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No, trading is not possible but you will be able to download the Pokémon Bank application on December 27, 2013 along with the associated Poké Transporter and it will allow you to transport Pokémon in Pokémon Black, White, Black 2 and White 2 over to Pokémon X or Y. However Pokémon in Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver cannot access the Poké Transporter so you will need to transport Pokémon in Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold or SoulSilver over to Black, White, Black 2 or White 2 before you can send them over to X or Y.

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They have said that they want the game to connect with the games in the main series, and are working on that, but we won't see it until a new regular-series game is released.

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Q: Can you trade Pokemon GO Pokemon to a DS game?
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Just go to a Pokemon center, go to the basement and trade.

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you can either have another ds with the same game or heartgold in it and trade over Nintendo wfc or you can have one ds and put the Pokemon up for trade on the trade center and put your other ds game in the slot(take out the soulsilvr) and go on to the trade center and trade one of your Pokemon on that game for the Pokemon on your soul silver game. you need 2 Pokemon games for this and you have to do it very quickly because some one else could trade you a Pokemon for the Pokemon you put on trade without knowing you just want to transfer. Answer By TWENIFWEE

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after you get the national pokedex, you put the Pokemon that you want in the PC , save, turn on the ds game and there will be a migrate option you choose the Pokemon you want and go to pal park and find them.

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you have to have 2 ds or game boy advanced. and go to the trading center and trade with your friend

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Yes and it works like this: Your going to have to migrate your Pokemon from your gba Pokemon game to the ds Pokemon each Pokemon should hold an item that you want to give to the ds Pokemon game when you migrate those Pokemon play the ds Pokemon game to capture them in the pal park then go check the PC for the Pokemon you caught each should still be holding the item you gave them from the gba Pokemon game now all you need to do is take the items and now your ds Pokemon game has the items!

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A: You have to have the National Dex. When you do, just put the Pokemon GBA game in your DS and it will say Migrate Pokemon. And select that and you're good to go as long as you are in the waters near Sandgem Town, you sail to the Pokemon Migration Center.

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you need 2 ds's to go to the trade room in both and connect

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it depends on the game, if it is a gameboy game u cant, but if its a ds game go to the Pokemon center and go up stairs and go to the union room which i think is the middle booth thing but check them all and the other person does the same thing then go up to them in the room and talk to them and click trade

How do you trade Pokemon from a ds to a ds?

to trade Pokemon you have to go in the wirless club room with the person you want to trade with. Then, talk to that person and he will say what do you want to do. Press trade and he will repley. Trade him whatever Pokemon you want. Hope this helped

How do you get all legendary Pokemon in all version of ds on diamond and pearl?

you can get them all if you trade or if you migrate and you need a gba Pokemon game and after you insert it go to the loading screen on your ds and press a when you scroll down to migrate Pokemon

How do you trade Scyther in Pokemon naranja?

You trade a Scyther just like you would with any Pokemon game. You'll need to Ds's, with a copy of the game, (Pearl, Platinum, Soulsilver etc.) You go to the PC on the second floor of a Pokemon Centre. Then, go into the Union Room and do the same with the other DS. Walk up and talk to the other player, then choose from the options to trade.

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You need two Nintendo DS game consoles, you go the top floor of the Pokemon centre, and then go in the link room and select trade.