

Can you trade any Pokemon for Zekrom in Pokemon black?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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You can trade it for any Pokemon. Just go to the Wi-Fi Club or something in the Pokemon Center. You can even trade it with a Magikarp!

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Q: Can you trade any Pokemon for Zekrom in Pokemon black?
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You cant trade pokemon soul sliver to black or any game you could only trade black to black or white to black

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At the GTS in any Pokemon Center.

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no you cannot't trade Pokemon from Pokemon black to Pokemon platinum or any past games.

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Any Pokemon could defeat Zekrom, but Dragon and Ground-Type are especially effective.

How do you get zekrom in Pokemon Platinum?

You cannot get Zekrom in Pokemon Platinum because Zekrom is a gen V pokemon and pokemon platinum is a gen IV game. Since Zekrom did not exist inside any pokemon game at the time of platinums release It's impossible for him to be inside the game at all.

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In white they have Zekrom And in Black they have Reshierham. theres more than that but i haven't figured them out yet.but if you have white pick Osshawott at your own risk because if you try to capture Zekrom with any form of Osshawott you might fail because Zekrom is a electric type, and water is weak against electric types

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I am sorry to say, but any pokemon black or white pokemon cannot be found or traded in any way to any of the other games. This is because the games such as pokemon diamond, pearl and platinum have different game data and were created before the new pokemon like reshiram and zekrom were. So the game data cannot load the brand-new pokemon into them. I am sorry.