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Yes, contact The Critter guy for faster removal if you're from Ontario.

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yes you can

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Q: Can you trap the same raccoon twice?
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Can you catch a raccoon in the winter in a live trap?

yes its when you are legally allowed

How do the curitosity and stubborness typical of raccoons enable Billy to trap one?

Billy uses the raccoon's curiosity to his advantage by setting up an enticing bait in the trap. The raccoon's stubbornness comes into play when it refuses to give up on getting the bait, leading it to trigger the trap and get caught.

What was the first thing that billy caught in his trap?

The first thing that Billy caught in his trap in the novel "Where the Red Fern Grows" was a raccoon.

How do you get rid of rat's?

You can get rid of your rats by using a Rat Zapper rat trap.

How does Billy catch his first raccoon in Where the Red Fern Grows?

Billy catches his first raccoon by setting up a trap using a tin can, bacon, and a sharp stick. He places the bacon inside the tin can, and when the raccoon reaches in to grab the bacon, it knocks over the can and gets stuck. Billy then approaches carefully and is able to capture the raccoon.

What is the best trap to trap a raccoon?

Havahart racoon size w/double doors and tarp the top for privacy. Once it goes in, he will be caught. Most hardware stores have them

Who checked into his room only to find Gideon's Bible?

Rocky Raccoon, in the Beatles' song of the same name. It's mentioned twice, once at the beginning and once at the end.

How do you remove a raccoon from your home?

You have to trap him with a havahart cage. they sell at major hardware stores in gardening dept. <><><> Agree with above- and fresh grapes make great bait for the trap.

How do you kill a raccoon in your home?

You dont want to kill them. You wanna call a professional like us . we will trap and relocate them.

What is the difference in a raccoon and a mapache?

There are the English (raccoon) and the Spanish (mapache) names for the same animal.

How do you get a raccoon out of a chimney?

Set a trap, Even Better If you call a pest control. You can contact The Critter Guy if you're in Canada, Ontario.

How do you get rid of a raccoon?

call animal control in your area. they will set up a humane trap to catch it then release it in a place that is 'animal friendly'.