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Q: Can you trim a limb from a crepe myrtle and make take root?
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How big is root system for crepe myrtle?

For Lagerstroemia archeriana: Well composted soil with good drainage; full sun or a little shade recommended. Water sparingly and infrequently, allowing soil to nearly dry between waterings.

How large is the root system on a 4 yr old crepe myrtle?

I dont have an exact answer but as a general rule with trees expect the root system to be at least as deep as it is tal or deeper but you should look it up instead of having other people answer questions for u because im 12 and i kew this from back ground knowledge!

The only muscle in upper limb supplied by c5678 t1?

The root nerves C5-T1 make up an arrangement called the brachial plexus. This plexus supplies all the musles of the upper limb. There is no one muslce supplies by all of these root nerves.

Is the foot distal to knee?

It is proximal as the knee is closer to the median / midline of the body than the foot. The foot is distal. Distal suggests a structure being further away from the median plane or the root of the limb than another structure in the limb. Proximal refers to a structure being closer to the median plane or root of the limb than another structure in the limb

Will a cutting from a fig tree root?

Certainly. Place it in good potting soil, keep it damp and wait. You can also pull a limb down (without breaking it) to touch the ground, place a brick on it where the ground meets it and it will root that way.

What does the root word arm mean?

The root word "arm" typically refers to the upper limb of the human body from the shoulder to the hand. It can also be used in a broader sense to refer to anything resembling an arm in shape or function, such as the arm of a machine or a chair.

What is the brachial plexus?

The Brachial Plexus is the nerve plexus from which supplies the upper limb. Its root supply is C5 to T1. This means that the nerves which make it up leave the spinal chord at all the vertebrae between the 5th Cervical Vertebrae and the 1st Thoracic Vertebrae. Brachial plexus is a radical regrouping of the nerve fibers that are araising from the vental rami of C7 to C8 and additionally from T1. Through this network of nerves the entire upper limb will get its nerve supply.

What root do Indians use to make cakes and soup?

Yuca or manioca root

What does the root word poie mean?

The root word "poie" means "to make" or "to create" in Greek. It is often used in English words related to production or creation, such as "poetry" or "poet."

Does Skittles make root beer explode?

No, mentos (mint not flavored mentos)make root beer "explode" not skittles.

What is the meaning of the greek root fac?

The root is actually Latin and means "do".the root fac means to do or make. One common word with this root, is factory.

What does the root fig mean?

to make, to do