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It will not be quite as rich but it should set up and be fine.

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Q: Can you use 2 percent milk in custard instead of evaporated milk?
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Can you use evaporated skim milk instead of 1 percent milk in a cake recipe?

yes you can'pretty much milk is milk no matter what it is labelled

Can you use regular milk instead of evaporated milk in a homemade puppy formula?

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Can you use evaporated milk instead of whole milk in jiffy corn bread mix?

It is possible to use evaporated milk instead of whole milk when making a Jiffy cornbread mix. 2% milk is also a viable option.

Can you use evaporated milk instead of vitamin d milk?

In some cases you can.

Can use evaporated milk for pralines instead of heavy cream?

the answer is yes

Are there any substitutes for evaporated milk?

Yes, but it should be diluted (half evaporated milk; half water).

Is whole milk richer than evaporated milk?

No. Whole milk has a thinner consistency than evaporated milk.

What can be used instead of sweetened condensed milk?

agave nectar it will end up tasting the same and it will be healthier

Can you use evaporated milk instead of cream in homemade tomato soup tomato soup?

When cooking with normal milk it will curdle. Always use evaporated milk in recipe when possible. Evaorated milk can be used instead of cream as it is lower in fat. however if substituting evaporated milk with regular milk, remember that evap milk is called evap milk for a reason. for 1 Cup of regular milk, you must only use 1/2 Cup of evap milk and 1/2 Cup of water. mix the 2 together and it should work in the recipe. i have never had a problem with this.

What does evaporated mean in evaporated milk?

Evaporated milk means milk with some of the water removed by evaporation to concentrate and thicken it.