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Yes! You absolutely, 100% can. The reason I know is because my Doctor just prescribed it to me today for vaginal itching. He thinks I have secondary effects from an antibiotic I was on (yeast like symptoms without the discharge). I have been itching and hurting and burning like crazy for 4 days. He just gave me a diflucon (sp.) tablet and the fluicinonide cream for the itching. He told me to soak in the tub for about 15 minutes, pat dry and then put a small amount of the cream on, twice per day. So, the answer to this question is Yes. You can. Just obviously don't over use it.

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Q: Can you use Fluocinonide cream on your vaginal area?
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Yes, my physician just prescribed Fluocinonide .05% cream for a poison ivy outbreak on my arms. You are not supposed to use it more than 2 times a day and it can not be used on your face or genitals.

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NO, any rash, infection, or sore use vaginal cream or consult with your doctor to see what they recommend

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"Hydrozole is not suitable for intravaginal use." you need canisten cream that you can deposit internally, or the tablet.

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yes you can use the vaginal cream while on your period. I had BV as well, OYGBN prescribed the vaginal cream. Today will be my first day using it so hope it works but I asked the pharmacist if it was ok because I was going to be starting my period on sunday and she said that it can be used while on my period.

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I wouldn't use a lotion that has perfume, but something made for a rash. You may have a yeast infection and the creams sold over the counter for that will work on a rash associated with it. You may have an STD, some have a rash as part of it, so go to the doctor. Any cream that says" For Topical Use Only " should not be used in the vaginal area , as mucous membranes[ vagina , mouth , eyes,] are different from skin[ epidermis ].

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