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Q: Can you use Medicaid in other countries?
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NJ Medicaid used in other countries?

Yes, if the provider is willing to bill NJ Medicaid for the service.

How does Medicaid pay when there is other Insurance involved?

The provider must give Medicaid proof that the other insurance carrier (including Medicaid) has "adjudicated" the bill. Medicaid will then pay any remaining eligible charges, to the extent that it would have paid had the patient not had any other insurance.

What special practices and procedures should the medical office use when accepting a medicaid patient?

They should not use any special practices. Medicaid patients should be treated the same as any other patient. The billing is handled the same as any other insurance billing :))) Mia♥

Can you use your Medicaid id card?

Yes. You may use only your own Medicaid ID card and you may use it only for its intended purposes.

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yes you can use sprint in other countries

Why was Medicaid important in the 1965?

Medicaid was important in 1965 for the same reason it's important today - to ensure a minimum level of health care for indigent Americans.

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may i use state issued medicaid card as photo id to fly commercially in the usa

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What policies do countries use to control other countries?

Foreign policies.

If a patient has Medicaid coverage benefits and other health insurance coverage Medicaid would be primary or secondary?


If your family is on Medicaid can you refuse insurance through your job?

No - Medicaid (and the taxpayers) expect you to apply for any and all alternative means of coverage. Having other insurance won't make you ineligible for Medicaid, but you need to tell your caseworker so that providers will know to bill the other insurance first, then Medicaid.

How many people does medicaid cover?

The link below shows the details on Medicaid... 29 Million children and 15 Million Adults are INSURED under Medicaid according to the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured in 2010. Their are other forms of assistance other than MEDICAL INSURANCE provided by Medicaid including: * Long Term Care Assistance *Assistance to Medicare Beneficiaries