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No, Rock Band 1 was released way before Guitar Hero World Tour so the drums aren't compatible. Also the guitar hero world tour drums have cymbals and the rock band doesn't. In the end: You can't back track.

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Q: Can you use PlayStation 2 Guitar Hero World Tour drums on PlayStation 2 Rock Band 1?
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Are guitar hero world tour drums compatible with rock band 1 drums for the Playstation three?

No, which sux the big one!

Can you use Guitar Hero world tour drums and guitar on rock band for Ps2?

Your Guitar Hero World Tour Guitar will work with all Rock Band games but your drums will not work with any of the games because the Guitar Hero Drums have one more pad than the rock band drums

Can you play guitar hero world tour with rock band drums and guitar and microphone?

you can with mic and guitar, but not drums

Does a playstation 3 guitar and drums for rock band work on a playstaition2?

Yes, and mic too.

Will guitar hero drums work for rock band ps2?

Assuming that your Guitar Hero guitar is a PlayStation 2 version and not Xbox or Wii, then yes it is compatible with Rock Band for PS2.

Can Xbox 360 guitar hero world tour drums be used on rock band?

no rock band and guitar heroes drums are completely different

Can you use guitar hero world tour drums with rock band for ps2?

No cause the guitar hero 5 drums have 5 buttons and the rock band drums have 4 buttons

Can the band items in Rock Band 2 be used in Guitar Hero World Tour?

Yes Rock Band drums, microphone, and guitar work on Guitar Hero World Tour.

Does rock band 2 work with guitar hero world tours drums guitar and mic?

yes the mic does but the drums don't

Rock band drums or Guitar Hero drums?

guitar hero

Can you use 3 guitars on guitar hero world tour or do you have to use just the band eg microphone guitar bass and drums?

You get the instruments of an average band, which would be guitar, bass, drums, and vocals, so the answer is no.

Can a rock band guitar work for a Guitar Hero game?

Yes, but not the drums (but a guitar hero drums will work on a rock band game)