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Yes. Get GED & then become an EMT. After 2000 hrs as an emt you can qualify for paramedic.

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Q: Can you use a GED to go to paramedic school?
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Related questions

Can you get your high school diploma at 37?

no It depends if you dropped out of high school. If you did, then go on the internet or to the library and ask people where can I go get my GED. A GED is similar to the high school diploma

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Can you go to culinary arts school with a GED?

Yes. Most Culinary arts schools require you to have a High school diploma or equivalent such as a GED.

Can you go to beauty school without a GED?

Some beauty schools may accept students without a GED, but many require a high school diploma or equivalent. It's best to check with individual schools to see their specific requirements.

How can I get a high school diploma?

Getting a GED is the only way to get a diploma after you are 21. If you are interested in getting a GED, contact your local education department to see when they offer GED courses, and how you can take the GED test.

Can you go to university with a GED?

Yes, in most cases, the GED is treated with the same level as a high school diploma.

Can you go to uti with out a high school diploma?

no, you DO need a high diploma or GED to go to UTI.

I didn't finish school can i still join collage?

You need high school equivalency. Go for your GED.

Can you go to tech school with a GED?

Yes, in fact they will ask for a copy of your results.

Where can I get a high school diploma ?

If you did not graduate from high school, the closest you can get to a high school diploma would be a GED (since you can not go back to high school) A GED is similar to a high school diploma, except you can not go directly into a four year institution. A GED does require you to take a test though. After you pass your GED, then you can apply for community college and pick your major/gain all transfer credits and either get a Associates Degree or transfer to a four year institution and get a Bachelors Degree.

What are the Education requirements to enlist in US Military?

The minimum military education requirements are a GED. However, they do have a GED Plus program where you can join without a GED, and they provide the testing, before you go into basic training.