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Q: Can you use a common reagent to test all compounds?
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Can you use a common reagent to test all the compounds?


Can we use a common reagent to test all compounds?

No. One reagent does not dissolve or react with all compounds. If it did, it would dissolve the bottle you placed it in.

What compound can be oxidized by both Benedicts solution and Tollens reagent?

All the compounds having free aldehyde group as reducing sugars.

What are common compounds for helium?

There are no common compounds of helium and probably are no compounds of helium at all, because helium is the least reactive of all elements.

What do all chemical compounds have in common?

they all have atoms

What do all compounds have in common?

All the compounds have at least two different types of atoms, they have mass and volume.

What are the reagent use to identify the cellulose in an experiment?

No test.. You can order standard from Sigma and compare ur sample with FT-IR... Thats all.

What do all the compounds in plutonium have in common?

All are radioactive materials.

What do all compounds that end in oxide have in common?


What 3 elements do all carbon compounds have in common?

There are 2 elements that all the organic compounds have. They are carbon and hydrogen. Most organic compounds contain oxygen.

What element is common among all of the biomoleules and essential for life on earth?

All the bio molecules are organic compounds. Carbon is the element common among all these compounds. Carbon is a tetravalent element.

What characteristic do carbon oxygen hydrogen and nitrogen in common?

All of these compounds are non metals and all of these can be found in particular organic compounds.