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Q: Can you use a prune instead of a date?
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Are you a prune?

No, but if you want I can find you a date. What the HECK dose that mean?

What could you use instead shortening?

You can use butter, lard, cooking spray or stick margarine as a substitute. Depending on the recipe, you could also use either apple sauce or prune puree.

How do you use the word prune in a sentence?

He got a new pair of shears to prune the bushes. The prune slipped out of his hand and shot across the room. They had to prune back the rose bush to allow light into the window.

Why did the banana go out with prune?

Because he couldnt find a date!!!

Use the word emend in a sentence?

That word is badly out-of-date. I recommend you use amend instead.

What is a way to redouce water pollution?

u need to stop using water so there is no water to pollute. instead use no pulp orange juice. Then u pollute the OJ and u use prune juice

What kindof lever might you use if you wanted to prune a tree?

If you wanted to prune a tree, you will need a Class 1 fulcrum.

How do you use the food word prune in a sentence?

"I just ate this dried prune." It's easy! Came up with that all by myself!:)

Why did the banana go out with the prune DD-39?

she went on a date

Why is Chinese New Year on that date?

The Chinese use a lunar calendar instead of a solar calendar.

Can you use water and dish soap as laxative for infant?

There are foods that do this job naturally. Use diluted prune juice at a 3 to 1 mixture. That is 3 parts water to 1 part prune juice.

Can you - and how do you - prune a Monkey Puzzle Tree?

You can prune it but the symmetrical shape that makes it attractive will be wrecked. If you do prune only tip prune.