

Can you use a wire to fix springs on a trampoline?

Updated: 10/22/2022
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9y ago

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If a spring on a trampoline broke or is defective, the only safe fix is to buy an identical replacement one from the manufacturer and install it. You might get it free if still under warrantee.

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A broken spring on a trampoline should be taken very seriously, and it could potentially be dangerous to those using it. I'd recommend replacing the spring altogether, or having a professional take a look at it.

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Q: Can you use a wire to fix springs on a trampoline?
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use the trampoline tool which should come in a pack with your springs :)

Does the springs on a trampoline makes more bounce or the mat of the trampoline?

Yes the trampoline is bouncier that the floor. that is why you use the tramp to lern slills

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yes it does for HQ trampoline its about 5-10 years and for a Cheaper trampoline it would be about 3-8 years. Also it depends on how you use it like bouncing a trampoline with multiple people who are very heavy can shorten its life also if you jump on it when it has water can severely damage the Mat and the stretch out the springs.

What are the parts of a trampoline made out of?

The frame and springs are steel. The bed is a fabric webbing. The springs attach to plastic fittings on the bed. The padding is filled with expanded foam and covered with a plastic-coated fabric.

Can you jump on the trampoline?

No! It is extremely BAD to bounce on a wet trampoline, so never try to do that, unless you want to make your trampoline not bouncy anymore! A wet trampoline is one of the worst ways of making you lose fun on your trampoline, but it is fun if it is not raining or wet and dry like in the spring/summer. that way, without it being wet, there will be lest danger of getting the springs stretched. When the springs are stretched, they can never be un-stretched again. And when they're stretched, you don't have a bouncy trampoline anymore.Hope this helps,Splitz.monkey13

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Example: I like to jump on my trampoline.

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Depends on what trampoline your talking about, i'd use feet

How do you use a trampoline in Lego universe?

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What size trampoline do you use when competing?

Your moms size

When was the trampoline invented and why?

the trampoline was invented in 1928 by a famous acrobat thomas pumfrey, the use of a trampoline has changed since back then, as thomas used to bring a lot of prostitutes back to his house. one day he took roughly 7 back as far as reports go, his small bed couldn't accompany all these sluts, so he searched for a more effective method of sleeping with them. after thoroughly serving all 7 of them he went to his garden shed and found a variety of springs, steel poles and a large elastic material, hence the trampoline was created.

Personal Trampoline For Indoor Exercise?

Having a personal trampoline is a fun way for kids or adults to exercise inside. Kids love to jump, and a trampoline provides a safe place for them to jump. Indoor trampolines are about 3 feet in diameter. They do not have springs that kids can get hurt on. Center has straps that wrap around the metal base, and a cover keeps the straps from hurting little fingers or toes. Some models have a timer or jump counter kids love to use to keep track of their jumps.