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No. To make Popcorn you must use Popcorn, which is a specific variety, just like sweet corn and field corn

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Q: Can you use any kind of corn kernel for popcorn?
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Does popcorn have any animal products in it?

No, popcorn doesn't come from animals. It comes from corn, and corn is a plant.

Is it ok to feed chickens popcorn kernels that have not been cooked?

It is a grain and will not hurt them. They will not eat things they cannot swallow and an unpopped corn kernel is not much bigger than a piece of cracked corn normally found in hen scratch. And don't worry, the popcorn will not "explode" inside the chicken, it takes much more heat than the chicken can produce to pop popcorn. I often throw my chickens leftover popcorn and never had a problem.

What ingredients are in popcorn?

Canola or vegetable oil, popcorn kernels, salt, and a popcorn maker or pon of your choice. Any "ready to make" popcorn that they sell in stores is crap. My rule is: If you can't read the ingredient of something as simple as popcorn, screw it.

Can you cook popcorn without using oil?

To my knowings, you cannot pop popcorn in the oven. You can, however, buy the original Jiffy Pop for the stove (the flat tin with the handle in the popcorn isle). You simply heat up your stove top, then shake the popcorn bag over the stove top slowly then faster as the popcorn pops.

Why does a corn pops?

most "dry" corn will pop. it is actually the moisture trapped in the corn that makes it pop. the corn is heated turning the moisture into steam. onces the steam builds enough pressure the corn pops. commercial popcorn is conditioned for optimum moisture levels and is grown to pop in a certain way.

What is the scientific explanation why one cant use any type of corn for popcorn?

Popcorn Kernels contain a particular amount of moisture and oil. The the skin of poping corn is both strong and waterproof, with a hard and dense type of starch within.When these kernels are heated beyond boiling point with oil or fat, the moisture in the kernel is superheated into pressurized steam. when this happens the starch inside the kernel gelatinizes. The pressure increases until the the skin suddenly breaks IE 135 psi or (930 kPa)at a temp of 180°C. This causes a rapid drop in pressure inside the kernel and a suden expansion of the steam, expanding the starch and proteins of the endosperm into foam. As the foam cools, the starch and protein polymers set into the familiar popcorn the cultivated strain, Zea mays averta, is is one of the few that has all of the property's needed for corn to pop as described above. which is a special kind of flint corn.

Does any kind of corn pop?

Yes and no. Most corn will pop, but there is a seed for pop corn and is grown for selling as pop corn. Sweet corn would not pop the same way or as well and corn grown to feed cattle wouldn't pop well.

What is the best type of popcorn kernel?

Nuts on Clark in Chicago has my favorite popcorn. They make great gourmet cheese and caramel popcorn. They also have really nice gift baskets for the office or for the holidays.

How much corn syrup does popcorn have left in it?

None. Unflavored, unsalted popcorn is simply corn. It has identical nutrition content to corn. There is no corn syrup in corn anymore than there's maple syrup in maple trees. Corn has to be specially concentrated and processed to create corn syrup. Corn naturally has a bit of sugar, but that's not really corn syrup.

Can bearded dragons eat popcorn?

Bearded dragons can eat popcorn, yes. But if you feed it to them, make sure there is no butter or salt or any other flavoring on it. make sure they do not eat any of the kernel.

What is the best popcorn?

The best microwave popcorn is any kind. But you sure prefer butter since it tastes good with it.

Why does Popcorn pop when heated sufficiently?

The gas laws are a set of laws that describe the relationship between gases' temperature, pressure, and volume. These laws can be used to explain how an increase in temperature increases the pressure inside of the unpopped kernel. This increase in pressure also generates steam. The steam then explodes out of the outer shell of the kernel. As the pressure fades, the volume expands causing any air bubbles in the popcorn to grow and the kernel to "pop".