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Definitely not! For starters, using them in any way other than in a tub full of water is just plain stupid...but, if you are going to do it, no one can stop, from my own personal experience with IV drugs, here's what I have to say:

"Bath Salts" are made with a base of Epsom my "drug days", Epsom Salt was used to cut methamphetamine to make it stretch further and to cut down on the fatality of using the drug in it's pure form. Now, when snorted, smoked or eaten, the body digests the salts pretty normally, like any other type of salt, plus it gives you the runs...bad...but, if you inject anything into your blood stream that has Epsom Salt in it, you really screw up your system for at least a few hours, if not longer. This all depends on how fast your metabolism is. My experience, the one time I got meth cut with Epsom, was horrible. First of all, the blood, as soon as it was drawn into the syringe, began to congeal (clot) making it impossible to actually push it back into your vein through the needle. This happened because when blood is exposed directly to Epsom Salts, it causes a chemical reaction and it immediately begins to clot. IF you were actually able to get the blood and drug to inject without blowing up the syringe from the pressure (and possibly breaking the needle off in your arm, or worse), then you risk the blood clotting in your vein and traveling to your heart, brain or lungs, killing you. If you are lucky enough to escape that, then you end up with a massive rash all over your body that itches like hell and lasts for hours on end. It's basically an allergic reaction (hives) to the salt that you stupidly injected into your blood stream and it has now been cycled through your entire body and all of your veins and arteries. You completely waste your high because when the concentration of salt vs. the actual drug isn't right, you don't even get a rush. YOU JUST GET SICK AND POSSIBLY DIE!

You ask how I know these things??? I was stupid one too and I actually learned the hard way. I was one of the lucky ones that didn't blow out my arm and didn't get a blood cloth...I did, however, get the massive, almost 24 hour rash and wasted $150 to boot.

So, there's your answer, from someone who actually knows what the heck she's talking about. Don't be stupid.

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Q: Can you use concentrated bath salts intravenously?
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How long does bath salt last if you sniff it?

The effects of sniffing or ingesting bath salts can last for several hours, typically ranging from 3 to 6 hours. However, it is important to note that bath salts can have unpredictable and dangerous effects on the body, including hallucinations, paranoia, and increased heart rate, so it is strongly advised to avoid using them.

How do people use bath salt to get high?

It can be ingested by smoking, drinking, or insulfilating (snorting). most people will go with the insulfiate route but you can mix with water and drink or smoke it as well. be careful bath salts can be dangerous.

Why would you use laundry detergent in your bath water?

You don't use it in your bath water.

How is Epsom salt on cuts or soars?

I use them all the time. I have Fibromyalgia so chronic pain is something I have to live with. I use the Hydrogen Peroxide and Epsom salts to get rid of my pain. Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) is basically water with an extra molecule of oxygen. When you take a 'Hot bath' your pores are open the Hydrogen Peroxide goes straight to the muscle. Oxygen makes the muscle relax. Epsom salts are high in minerals. calcium is a known pain reliever for muscles. Try it.. it doesn't hurt at all. I take them weekly. I've never had it sting in any way but. Epsom salt is used often in your bath salts that you buy from any store. all it is is mineral salts. If bath salts don't sting then Epsom salt won't sting. Unless you have a pretty badly infected cut. and then the sting is really beneficial. it means it's working in killing the infection.. I can't imagine a bath of hydrogen peroxide and Epsom salt being at ALL a good thing. If you have any cuts or sores, it will burn like mad. I just don't see the benefit to bathing in this mix. Please think twice.

Can you use rubbing alcohol in your bath water?

is it safe to take a bath in rubbing alcohol.

Related questions

Are bath salts still available?

You can still find bath salts, yes. But if you have any sense at all regarding substance use, you will not seek them.

Where to buy the bath salt drug?

One can purchase Cloud 9 bath salts over the internet. However, these bath salts are actually drugs that can have dangerous and even deadly side effects. Many states are outlawing the sales of this product, and it is not wise to use 'bath salts' to get high.

How much bath salts to usein the bath?

It should say on the jar but usually i use a few tbsps

Can you put bath salts in jacuzzi?

You can use any bath salts or additives that are water soluble. Today there is a huge range of bath salts that are "Jacuzzi friendly". Basically the salts dissolve safely into your Jacuzzi without harming your filters. Just run a search with the correct parameters and you will find a myriad of safe options.

How long can you lose your memory from bath salts?

I went to a smoke shop and was talking to one of the workers there about bath salts and he said he lost his memory for about 3 Weeks also he forgot how to use a fork. I swear this is a true sTory. Also bath salts show up as Meth on drug tests.

How many people have died from bath salts?

It is difficult to provide an exact number of deaths caused by bath salts, as information may vary. However, bath salts have been linked to numerous deaths due to their toxic and unpredictable effects on the body, including causing seizures, heart attacks, and violent behavior. It is important to avoid the use of bath salts due to their dangerous and potentially lethal consequences.

Can you buy any legal bath salt in ft worth tx?

Yes, you can buy legal bath salts at various stores in Fort Worth, Texas. It's important to ensure that the bath salts you purchase are intended for bathing and not for consumption, as some products marketed as bath salts may be intended for drug use. Be sure to check the label and buy from reputable retailers.

What is known about rave on bath salt?

Ivory Bath salts are thought to contain MPDV, this is a strong stimulant that people may compare to xtc. Ravers use it to trip hard.

Can you smoke or inject concentrated bath salts?

Yes it very well can. There was a girl in my town that passed away just a few days ago and that is apparently what she did. She injected concentrated bath salts into her body and she died. Apparently these "bath salt" drugs are legal at the moment. I don't know who in their right might would consider trying them, let alone inject them into their blood stream. I also work at a hospital and have personally seen a few cases of teenagers coming into the ER and being hospitalized for taking these new drugs. The bottom line is DON'T TRY IT!

Is bathsalts good for you?

Depends on what brand of bath salts you use and how you use them. Bath salts such as Epsom salt is purposely used for aches and pains of the joints. Great for soaking your feet. While other bath salts such as cloud nine, purple ivory, and sextasy is not used for that purpose whatsoever. It is purposely used for abuse and has been revised by DEA and is made illegal in most states as it has turned people into so called zombies. It causes paranoia, vivid hallucinations that may cause death, heart attacks, and turns people suicidal and cannibalistic. Please don't use this drug.

How can you make your own scented bath salts?

Mix several cups of Epsom Salts with several teaspoons glycerin, then add a few drops of your favorite perfume. You can also add food coloring to put the bath salts in a decorative container to match your bathroom decor. To use: just pour and handful or two into the bath and enjoy. This also makes a nice gift to give to someone. Note: since the food coloring is so highly diluted, it will not stain your skin or bath cloths and towels. Also, the glycerin (which can be found in drugstores) is a skin softener and moisturizer, but is optional.

What type of bath salts are best for pain relief?

Himalayan Pink Salt is the best bath salt to use for pain relief. Unfortunately, it is also expensive. Dead Sea Salt is also good for pain relief and less expensive.