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No, the copyright covers "derived works" (such as alterations) also.

You might be able to get away with a parody. For example, if you wanted to advertise your new movie "Farm!" with the American Gothic portrait, you could probably dress your stars up in somber clothing, have the male lead hold a pitchfork, and take a picture of them in front of a Victorian-style house, and that would be okay. You should contact a lawyer first though.

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Q: Can you use copyrighted images in advertising if they are altered?
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Copyrighted information or images shouldn't be used without permissions. Released forms must be signed by parent(s) if the individual is under 18. Don't use images for commercial use without permission.

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Finding images that are not copyrighted can be difficult if someone is looking online and unwilling to pay a photographer for their skills. If someone is willing to pay, it is a simple process. Simply contact the owner of the webpage and ask for permission to use the image. Sometimes the owner will allow use of the image and not charge at all. Always ask.

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Tech Soup and Tech Journalism are two websites that can help one discover what images are copyrighted and what images may be reused. Most historical photographs are typically open to be used freely.