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Q: Can you use dehumidifier condensate water for battery water?
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Can you use water from a dehumidifier to do laundry?

yes, I use it all the time and it is just fine

Does this dehumidifier work only with water, or can you use items like vapor inside?

This unit does require water,you can add vapor to the water if you wish.

What is the difference between humidifier and dehumidifier?

A humidifier makes the air fresher, While a dehumidifier removes a fresh smell. A house would use a a humidifier and a museum would use a dehumidifier

How do you top the battery water?

Use distilled water. If the battery is a sealed battery you cannot add any water.

What the use of the mineral water to battery?

Add nothing but distilled water to a battery.

What can you use dehumidifier for?

you can use it to make the air drier in your basement

Can you use boiled water in battery?

No, only use distilled water.

Can you use regular water in a 6 volt battery?

It is not good to use tap water in any battery, no matter what voltage. You should use distilled water only.

How do I know if I need to use a Dehumidifier?

If you are staying in areas near big water bodies and if you are storing something which is moisture sensitive, if you have expensive paintings on wall, if your walls are getting fungi or your closed room has typical damp smell then you need dehumidifier.

Does ostrich make its own water?

Most do. Some use municiple water supplies, but those in rural areas burn hydorgen and oxygen, and collect the condensate.

Is a Dehumidifier safe to use in a child's room?

A dehumidifier is great for a children's room because it can protect a children's room from dust mites.

Can you put water in your ATV battery?

you can put water in every battery...if the atv battery is bone dry then put water in it but only use distilled water and not tap water.