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Q: Can you use dot 3 brake fluid for transmission as a alternative?
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What is dot 3 type transmission fluid?

DOT 3 is a type of brake fluid

Can you use Dot 4 on an automatic transmission?

No. Dot 4 is brake fluid.

Manual transmission slave cylinder fluid?

Normally Dot 3 or Dot 4 brake fluid.

Can you put brake fluid in a manual transmission?

Not in the transmission , but the hydraulic clutch on a Ford Ranger uses DOT 3 brake fluid

Can you use transmission fluid in the clutch master cylinder?

No! Use DOT 3 or DOT 4 brake fluid.

Can you use brake fluid for transmission fluid?

Yes you can just make sure it's a dot 4...

What kind of transmission fluid do you use on a 1980 Datsun 280zx 5 speed manual?

dot 3 brake fluid

What type of transmission fluid and brake should you use on your 1983 Mercedes 300 TD 123?

I buy transmission fluid from the dealer since it is a "synthetic oil" type fluid. Brake fluid is DOT-4 from anywhere althogh you can price it at the dealer.

What dot brake fluid does a 1992 Ford Festiva take?

DOT 3 brake fluid

What type of brake fluid do you use in Mazda protege with 2001 manual transmission?

DOT-4 is recommended

Is it wrong to add DOT 3 brake fluid to the dexron 3 transmission fluid in a Buick?

Yes, that is a very bad idea. The brake fluid will damage the trans seals, and it will start to leak.

How do I add brake fluid to a Ford Escort?

Find the brake fluid reservoir under the hood. It will be labeled with a "Use DOT 3 brake fluid only" warning. Add your DOT 3 fluid to the reservoir until it reaches the full mark. If you let the reservoir get totally empty, you will need to bleed your brake system (and clutch if you have a manual transmission).