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Yes it will cure ringworm im talking from experience

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Q: Can you use eurax lotion for jock itch?
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Can Clobetasol Cream be use for jock itch?

Yes, Clobetasol cream can be used for Jock Itch but not long term. Jock itch is a fungal infection that would need an anti-fungal medication to treat it. Clobetasol would help relieve itching and inflammation but because it is a strong steroid medication, it is not designed for long term use.

Should you use clotrimazole cream or miconazole nitrate to treat jock itch?


How do you know if it is jock itch or an infection?

Jock itch is an infection -- a fungal infection. If you haven't had it before, you should probably go to the doctor and have it checked. If you are itchy and are too embarrassed to go the doctor, try an over-the-counter remedy, use it as instructed, and see if it works.

How is jock itch prevented?

Jock itch is prevented by maintaining skin hygiene. Light clothing should be worn during summer and cotton underwear. Use baby powder while exercising, do not share gym towels, dietary measures may help.

Who most often develops jock itch?

Jock itch has been found most often in males, especially those who wear athletic equipment and frequently use public showers and locker rooms. Some fungal infections may be spread by towels.

Why do people itch when they go swimming?

the chlorine and other chemicals in the pool cause skin irritations and dryness use lotion

What are the common use of antifungal agent?

More common uses would be ringworm, athlete's foot, thrush, jock itch, and nail fungus.

Can you use miconazole to treat jock itch?

Yes you can, and according to dermatalogical studies it can reduce the size and swelling of acne overnight.

What will you do to a child with fever and rashes?

cold rag on the head, not too cold, for the rashes, i would use some calamine lotion, it will take away the itch

How do you stop itching if you have posion?

Do you mean poison ivy? If so then get some calamine lotion or other anti-itch cream to help dull the itch and then use straight will power to not scratch because scratching can spread the poison ivy, make it last longer, and itch even more.