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no i would go buy some pipe cleaner 1st and if that dont work use a drain snke

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Q: Can you use hydrochloric acid to clean a blocked shower drain?
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How do you clean dried grout from shower drain?

scrape and dig.

Why does your garbage disposal back into the dishwasher?

The sink drain is blocked somewhere after the disposal. take apart and clean or renew sink drain.

Why does a shower-only drain get calcium buildup and a bath tub drain does not?

Most likely, your shower is tiled, and the water is eroding your grout, causing a buildup at the water line. Most tubs only have tiled surround so the water doesn't get blocked up.

Why won't your shower pan drain?

I'd bet the drain is full of hair. -Pick it clean with long nose pliers or big tweezers, then fit a net drain cover.

Why would your bathroom shower begin to flood everytime you use your upstairs shower or sink?

The shower drain and waste lines on up to the other fixtures located above need to be clear so that water will flow. Just downhill of the shower drain there is probably a blockage in the waste pipe. The blockage could cause slow draining. If it is completely blocked, the shower pan will not drain back out over time. You will need to run a plumbers snake down the line below the shower drain. If the toilet in the same room as the shower when flushed also shows water coming into the shower drain, it will be best to take up the toilet off the base and run a plumbers snake from that point. Warning for very slow draining lines or lines that do not drain, DO NOT use Drain cleaning chemicals. Good luck and you may wish to call rotorooter.

Is the shower drain has a ubend or straight pipe?

Shower drain goes into a trap under shower. Continue piping from trap to drain line.

How do you know if shower pipe is clogged?

Water won't drain from shower. Either trap or shower drain line is clogged.

Can you clean a swamp cooler with CLR?

YES! CLR can clean anything, darling. I promise, you will NOT be disappointed. But on the commercial, the shower drain thing, not true. It doesn't happen just like that.

What is the best way to clean shower drains?

i would love to be able to help you! upon my research there is even apparently safe and natural ways to clean your shower drains this sight offers a safe excellent way to do so and clean just about anything else in your house: shower drain is at the very bottom. hope it helps!

How to Clean Your Shower Drain?

Shower drains can become clogged with hair and soap quickly, causing the water to become slow in draining. If you notice this, remove the shower drain by pulling up on it. If it doesn't release easily, it is probably screwed down and you will need a screwdriver to remove it. Once the drain cover is off, pull the debris out of it with a bent hanger or by using your hands, but be sure to wear rubber gloves if you are coming in direct content with drain debris. To improve the smell, dump a mixture of baking soda and vinegar into the drain and run the water.

How do you replace the rubber seal around the shower drain?

Scrape it off, clean surface, and use plumber's putty. I would have to see the rest of the problem.

Could bowel movements in the shower plug shower drain?