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Q: Can you use hydrocortisone butyrate creme on your cats skin?
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How does hydrocortisone work in the skin?

Hydrocortisone is an anti-inflammatory drug that stabilizes lysosomal membranes hence preventing cell damage and inflammation

Does creme 21 whitens skin?

no it's impossible

Can you mix hydrocortisone with hydrogen peroxide on your skin?

Yes. It will speed up the bleaching process if you are trying to lighten your skin. But do not cake the hydrocortisone onto the spot after the peroxide is applied because it will cause the skin to become raw and rub off easily. Literally losing the top layer of your skin.

What is a good first aid treatment for skin rash?

Hydrocortizone. Sorry, I don't know how to spell it. It cools off your skin and it wont itch, and it will go away in a few days .Area should be clean (use very mild soap or just water) and dry, application of calamine based lotion/creme Atopic dermatitis or Eczema is treated with Hydrocortisone.

Do black people get lighter?

Yes they do. with skin creme, staying out of the sun and etc

How do you treat red broken out skin?

You might treat red skin that looks "broken out" by applying a cream like hydrocortisone. You should definitely check with a physician before applying anything to your skin.

Can you use hydrocortisone cream on your face?

It is NOT recommended to use hydrocortisone cream around the lips, mouth, or eyes because part of the medicine can be absorbed through the mucous membranes. Hydrocortisone is a steroid, which is a hormone. Used properly, it can have strong negative side effects; used improperly, those negative side effects can be far worse. As well, as a steroid, the medication can have effects on body function and organs. When steroidal medications are used as directed, the negative effects and effects on organs are more controlled than if the med is used improperly. For example, hydrocortisone cream is often prescribed to be applied directly to a limited area of skin, say, hives. But, the med could have serious side effects if lathered over large areas of skin. Hydrocortisone cream can also thin the skin where it is applied, and lead to other skin problems.

Is a prescription needed for hydrocortisone liquid?

Scalpicin is a 1% hydrocortisone solution in liquid form and is available over the counter for the likes of itchy scalp . . . I am looking for a generic version . . . for my mother's dog's skin problems. Marvin Jones

Do cats have thin or thick skin?

Cats have Thin skin. It ussally means they are well hydrated, so thin.

How do you get tan skin to glow?

put acne creme on, let it dry, and then put on dove energy glow.

Does La Mer Creme alleviate dry, red skin?

La Mer Creme may be able to help with that. However it is intended to help your skin become softer, firmer, looks virtually creaseless. From what I understand, although it does moisturize, it appears to be more regenerative than anything else.

What are cats' skin like?

Cat skin is soft and not rubery like.