

Best Answer

Keflex is a Cephalosporin antibiotic that inhibits the cell wall development in bacteria. It is effective in the treatment of Sinusitis that is related to bacterial infections. Be sure and note the side effects of antibiotic treatment that can be mild to severe. If you have never taken a Cephalasporin my advice is to see a physician before doing so or at a minimum do a drug interaction search (if you are on other meds) As with all antibiotics continued and chronic use can deteriorate their effectiveness and lead to resistant bacteria. Use them sparingly as needed.

Good luck

Dr. Don

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Some words with the root sinus include sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses), sinusoid (having a sinus-like curve), and sinusoidal (relating to a sinus).

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Sinus infection is due to viral, bacterial or fungal infection. Dicloxacillin can very much be prescribed to treat a sinus infection caused by staphylococcus bacteria.

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Amoxicillin and metronidazole are to be taken in combination for a sinus infection. If plain amoxicillin does not work, a formulation with clavulanic acid such as augmentin should be used with metronidazole.

Can you wash your hair if you have a sinus infection?

Yes it is perfectly acceptable to wash your hair when you have a sinus infection.

Can nose bleed cause sinus infection?

Yes sinus infection causes nose bleed.

Can you catch a sinus infection from kissing?

well depends what kind of sinus

What is the condition of sinus inflammation and congestion called?

A sinus infection, or sinusitis.

What problems can a sinus infection lead to?

The sinus infection itself might not even be an infection but could be the sign of a worse illness, so if the conditions that you think are a sinus infection dont go away you need to get it checked out as it could be due to pressure in the skull.

Is it harmful for you to use eye drops when you have a sinus infection?

If the eye drops are for moisturizing or rewetting with contact lenses it should be fine to use them while you recover from your sinus infection. If the drops contain medication, check with your pharmacist or the prescribing doctor to make sure the medication in the drops and the medication for your sinus infection can be used together.If the tip of the eye drops bottle came in contact with your eye or tears, since your sinus infection started, call your doctor or pharmacist to see if they think the drops are contaminated and need to be replaced.