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You can use kosher salt, but to treat the wound or infection better, you should use sea salt. this also gets splitters out easier and makes the process less painful.

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Q: Can you use kosher salt to soak an infection with?
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If the recipe calls for 1 Tbs of kosher salt do I use 1 Tbs of the kosher style flake salt?

All salt is kosher unless something is added to it that isn't kosher. Kosher salt is just a large grained salt. Use the same amount of any salt.

When should you cook with kosher salt and when should you use iodized salt?

Most salt is kosher by default unless additives such as flavourings are added, at that point the salt would have to be certified kosher. 'Kosher salt' refers to a large grain salt that is used during the process of kashering meat. Iodized salt is kosher.

Can you use iodized salt if the recipe says kosher salt?

Yes, you can. Kosher salt is the same as table salt, only a larger granule.

What can you substitute kosher salt with?

Any serious difference exist between kosher salt and standard table salt.

How many cups equal 1 pound pickling salt?

It depends on the brand of kosher salt you will be using as it varies in strength. if you use Morton's Kosher salt use 2 cups to = 1 pound, or if you use Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt 3 cups to = 1 pound.

Can you use kosher salt in place of course salt?


Do you use kosher salt in your kosher dill pickles?

All salt is kosher unless something is added to it to render it not kosher. If the question is in regard to kashering salt, the salt used to kasher meat, that product is not suitable for cooking as it is an extra coarse salt that does not dissolve well.

Where to buy kosher salt in Bangkok?

By default, all salt is kosher unless something is added to it to render it not kosher (usually flavourings). If you're just following a recipe that calls for coarse kosher salt, any coarse salt will do, or you could just use table salt.

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Do you have to use kosher salt on Passover?

All salt is kosher unless something is added to it to make it not kosher. Like all other seasonings, the specific package must be certified kosher for Passover.

Can you use regular salt rather than Kosher sale in a recipe?

Yes. "Kosher" salt is really a misnomer. Coarse salt was used to cure and preserve certain meats, by drawing out residual blood, part of the process of "koshering" meat. So it came to be known as "kosher" salt, when if anything it should be called "koshering" salt. But because kosher salt is like lots of regular salt crystals stuck together, if the recipe calls for regular salt you need to use less kosher salt, but if the recipe calls for kosher salt you will most likely wind up needing more regular salt if you don't have kosher salt handy.

Can you buy kosher salt?

You can, but it's really little different to any sea salt - as a mineral, all salt is parve (or pareve) - meaning neutral, the kashrut laws which designate which foods are and are not kosher do not apply unless non-kosher ingredients (such as some anti-caking agents) have been added.Outside of the USA, kosher salt is more commonly known as koshering salt, a name that is more accurate since it reflects the salt's use in "koshering" meat (which is covered in salt to soak up any blood - blood is not kosher - left after shechita, the ritual slaughter carried out in strict accordance with Jewish law) so that it can be eaten by Jews rather than some presumed property of the salt.