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Q: Can you use leftover mortar mix to set posts?
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What is a mortar set?

a mortar set

Can you use vinegar to slow the set of mortar?

Vinegar would have a deleterious effect on the strength of the mortar.

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What do you use to set limestone?

Modified thinset or An approved tile mortar.

What is a mortar?

Mortar is sand cement and water mixed together . Once allowed to dry and set , holds your building blocks, bricks etc together .

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What materials were used to build the Hagia Sofia?

Stone and brick set in mortar.

What are the disadvantages of using lime mortar?

A disadvantage would be that it doesn't set fast.

What is Chattahoochee's?

Is a type of flooring that consist of polished pebbles set in mortar or epoxy

Why is your Quikrete quick set not setting up for posts?

There could be a few reasons the Quikrete quick set is not setting up for posts. It's possible that the mix was not properly measured or mixed according to the instructions on the bag. It could also be due to environmental factors such as temperature or humidity affecting the curing process. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions precisely and consider environmental conditions for the best results.

How do you set the amount of Tumblr posts on a page?

To change the amount of posts on your Tumblr profile page you simply go to 'customize' from the dashboard, then select 'advanced'. A menu will drop down and you will see a 'post count' option, you can set it to anything from one post to fifteen posts.