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Q: Can you use mayonnaise and metal spoon together?
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Why can't use metal spoon to scoop honey?

There is no problem using a metal spoon to scoop honey.

What is uses of wooden spoon?

to stir things. You would use a wooden spoon instead of a metal spoon because metal spoons are not good with pans.

What is the used of wooden spoon?

to stir things. You would use a wooden spoon instead of a metal spoon because metal spoons are not good with pans.

Why is it safer to use a nonmetal spoon when cooking something on the stove?

It is safer to use...say a wooden spoon instead of a metal spoon because metal is a heat conductor...or when metal touches heat the heat goes through the metal (it does the same with electricity). There is a simple answer for it!

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Should a baby spoon be a plastic one or a metal one?

It is better to use a plastic baby spoon instead of a metal one. Metal spoons make it easier for babies to hurt themselves when they are first learning to use eating utensils.

How many pounds of steel is used to make one metal spoon?

While the process of making a metal spoon may use hundreds, or even thousands, of pounds of steel used to make the spoon, the spoon itself is usually not what most people would consider steel. A spoon, generally is only a few ounces and is usually made from copper, stirrling silver, or stainless steel.

Why would it be better to use a plastic spoon instead of a metal spoon to eat on a hot day?

Metal is a good conductor of heat. Plastic is a poor conductor of heat. On a hot day the plastic spoon may stop you scalding your mouth if it is left out in the sun.

Is mayonnasie an instrument?

the answer to the question is yes. back then and now they use a butter knife or fork or spoon to play(spread) the mayonnaise on the dish which makes wonderful music and a great sandwich :)

Why can you not use a metal bowl for cooking?

If the metal bowl is non-reactive, it can be used to make egg salad. High quality, pure Stainless steel is a popular choice for mixing.

Why should you stir muffin mixture with a metal spoon?

it doesn't matter what type of spoon you use just don't stir too long or the muffins will turn out dry

Why does the handle of a metal spoon got hotter than a wooden spoon?

Metal is a good conductor of heat. Wood is not a good conductor of heat, although I wouldn't exactly call it an insulator of heat either. If you put a wooden spoon halfway into a pot of hot water, the dry part of the spoon will not get hot even though the wet half will be as hot as the water is, if you leave it in for a while. But if you heat up a wooden spoon and keep it dry, let's say by leaving it on a baking sheet and baking it in the oven along with some cookies, you may be able to grab the spoon and pick it up even though it's hot. There's no way you could do that with a metal spoon because you'd "feel" the heat more with metal. The heat would be conducted from the metal spoon to your skin, but a wooden spoon won't conduct much heat to you.