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You should not use neosporin as a lubricant. You should not use neosporin more often than absolutely necessary.

MRSA ("Staph Infection"): http ://

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Q: Can you use neosporin as a lubricant?
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Can you put neosporin on a burn?

If you have minor burn then you can use Neosporin on it. But when the burned area is large and severe then one should not use Neosporin. The Neosporin is only applied to the external areas.

Should you use neosporin on your new belly button piercing?

The tube of Neosporin doesn't say to use it on puncture wounds, so you don't use it on puncture wounds.

Can neosporin be used on bearded dragon?

Yes Neosporin is a good medication to use if your Beardie has an external sore or injury

How can you get rid of a scratch on your face?

use neosporin it will work.

Can you use neosporin for your dog?

yes if it is for a cut or sore

Can children under two use Neosporin?


Is there anything better than Neosporin?

Yes, you can also use A&D. You can buy it at CVS or Rite-Aid. It cost about the same amount as Neosporin.

Will it hurt to use the neosporin spray instead of the polysporing ointment?

I had a biopsy of a cyst on my index finger and I was told to use polysporin ointment twice a day to keep it moist. I dont have the polysporing instead i have the neosporin spray. If i use the neosporin spray instead will that do the job or will it hurt or damage the area? thanks for your help. Geraldine

Will neosporin cure ring worm?

No, Use an anti fungal cream

Is neosporin safe for use on a dog's ruptured anal sac?

Yes Neosporin is safe to use on a dog's ruptured anal sac. You can also use baby wipes to wipe the dog's butt or any medication that the vet prescribes.

Can a pregnant woman use baby oil as a sexual lubricant?

Yes. She can use baby oil of a reputed company as a sexual lubricant.

Can you use Neosporin on your puppy's paw if he has a cut?

Neosporin is safe to use in dogs in small amounts, rubbed in well for small scrapes and scratches, but it would be recommended if the cut does not heal by it's self, to take him to the vet.