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It would be a better idea to register an account of your own, since you can specify a username you desire, not someone else's. If you share an account however, any trouble you get into will be blackmarks against the actual owner's, as will any warnings or bans.

It's strongly advised that you make your own account for the sake of it. Registration link in the source / related links below.

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11y ago

Registering on the WolfQuest website is free and easy. If you are a COPPA user required to submit the fax, please refer to the related answer provided.

Registering an account of your own allows you to specify a username you desire, not a preset username. Your account is typically activated within a couple of days of registering. ;)

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Q: Can you use someones multiplayer username and password on wolfquest?
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WolfQuest accounts do not expire.

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Can anyone give you there username and password for wolfquest on multiplayer?

It would be technically possible, though it's probably a violation of the terms of use agreement. If you mean, will WE give YOU one: no.

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Can you have someones username and password for wolfquest?

Probably. If they had an account and didn't play WolfQuest anymore, they probably will give it out. If they had an account and still played, then its a HUGE possibilty that they will NOT give it out. I'm sorry that i dont have an un used account. But i will give you one as soon as possible. :)

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This isn't possible.

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Yes if you get his or her itunes password and username.

How do you create a username and password to join a multiplayer game on Wolfquest?

You will need to register via the WolfQuest forums. From the WolfQuest website, click 'Community', then click 'Register'. You eill need to wait usually 1-3 days, though often account activations are done within a day - until your account is activated. Once activated, you'll be able to login to the forums and game.

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username: mikey908 password: worthyman124