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Q: Can you use tea tree oil for fleas?
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Can you use tea tree oil for dandruff and also it can use to remove darkcircles and also tea tree oil can use for to increase the eye lashes?

No, I would not recommend you use the tea tree oil around your eyes for it will probably burn. But for the dandruff part, Yes.

What has the author Cynthia B Olsen written?

Cynthia B. Olsen has written: 'Manual de Primeros Auxilios' 'Australian tea tree oil guide' -- subject(s): Tea tree oil, Therapeutic use, Theraupeutic use 'Australian tea tree oil' -- subject(s): Tea tree oil, Therapeutic use

Can you use tea tree oil as a flea and tick killer?

No. Pet Store bought products NEVER work. To stop Fleas, ticks and Mites purchase Frontline from your Vet.

Can you rub tea tree oil on your one month old kitty?

NO! Tee tree oil is poison to cats!!!!!!! DO NOT USE TEA TREE OIL AROUND ANY FELINES/CATS!!!!!!!!

Can you use tea tree oil mixed with water to treat lice on guinea pigs?

NO buy some nits and fleas pet shampoo in you're local pet shop you could ruin their skin using tea tree oil and dont get it on their mouths eyes ears read instructions on back of shampoo cartridge

What is a better antiseptic eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil?

just use is

How do you use tea tree oil for cough and cold?

For dry scalp use any natural shampoo with 2% tea tree oil (10 drops to an eight- ounce bottle)

How do you apply tea tree oil?

Tea tree oil should be applied to the skin with a cotton swab. Only use a couple of drops so your skin does not dry out.

Why do cats go bonkers over the smell of tea tree oil?

Tea tree oil is toxic to cats. In the longterm, it causes liver failure. With direct exposure, it can cause neurological changes. You should never use tea tree oil on or near cats.

Can tea tree shampoo be used on animals?

Yes, Tea Tree oil is generally safe for use on animals, both large and small.

Is tea tree oil available at Watson's department store in the Philippines?

Tea tree oils are produced in the Philippines. Tea tree oils are beneficial for treating acne, for bathing, and for use as a fragrance.

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You can still have recurrence's, best thing to use is Tea tree Oil in the dark bottle. Read up on Tea tree Oil, this is excellent for anything.....