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no, may help slightly but not enough to make a difference

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Q: Can you use the pill v2632 for heroin addiction?
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How long does an individual need to be on methadone for pain pill addiction?

Methadone is for people who need help getting off heroin/opiates. For pain(methadone) pill addiction depends on the doctor. They also use methadone as a pain killer.

Why was heroin created?

It was first created to use against morphine addiction, then later became used as a pain killer and cough reliever.

How strong is the addiction to cigarettes?

It may be compared to heroin addiction but nicotine has never gotten anyone to lose their family, resort to prostitution, or be homeless because they can't quit smoking. It is nothing like a heroin addiction. I spent 20 years going back and forth between IV heroin use and alcoholism that got as bad as a half gallon of liquor a day. I also am a smoker. I can promise you it is nothing near as insidious as heroin, alcohol, crack, and other drug addictions. Also sex addiction, which cost people their marriage is worse than a cigarette habit. Food addiction in which people damage their health, sometimes irreparably and people continue to eat despite health concerns is about the closest you could come to in comparison to a cigarette habit.

Is ocasional use of tik and heroin possible without addiction?

of course just dont dont do it everyday. id say stick to the weekends

How do you make a heroin addict fall in love?

A heroin addict is in love with one thing ... their next fix of heroin. Unless the person on heroin wants to try and come off this highly addictive drug then it is wise to stay away from someone with this addiction. Being a heroin addict does not mean the person is a bad person, but, they will use all their money; sometimes steal or even get into prostitution to pay for their next heroin fix.

How does heroin affect your daily behavior?

Heroin can cause changes in behavior such as mood swings, increased drowsiness, and decreased motivation to participate in daily activities. Users may prioritize obtaining and using heroin over responsibilities like work or relationships, leading to neglect of personal hygiene and obligations. Over time, heroin addiction can significantly impact behavior, including engaging in risky or criminal activities to support the addiction.

What are the symptoms of heroin addiction?

A person who uses heroin will experience psychological, physical, and behavioral symptoms. The following include: Euphoria Drowsiness Itching Confusion Irritability Irrationality Social withdrawal Stealing Aggressiveness Spending time with new people who also use heroin Use of heroin slang terms Signs of heroin use are easy to spot when you know the signs of abuse. Knowing these signs and symptoms can also potentially save a life from an overdose.

What has the author Leon Brill written?

Leon Brill has written: 'The de-addiction process' -- subject(s): Case studies, Drug addiction, Drug addicts, Heroin, Heroin abuse, Rehabilitation 'The clinical treatment of substance abusers' -- subject(s): Alcoholism, Case studies, Drug abuse, Substance abuse, Therapy, Treatment 'Yearbook of Substance Use and Abuse' 'Authority and addiction [by] Leon Brill [and] Louis Lieberman' -- subject(s): Drug addicts, Rehabilitation

Can you take methadone while on herion?

yes.. i have known people to abuse methadone when they cannot find heroin. methadone also has a withdrawl factor that can be compared to actual heroin withdrawl. eventhough it is used to get off heroin its really just substituting one for the another.

How many injections of heroin would cause addiction?

It doesn't matter what method you use -- snorting, smoking, injecting, swallowing. Using heroin, or any other opiate, every day for two weeks, or around-the-clock for just a few days, is enough to get you physically addicted.

Is it true that heroin users do not shower so their pores stay dirty and the buzz will last longer?

Yes, apparently it's a "Junkie trick" not to shower so they can't sweat out the Heroin. Biochemically it doesn't work toward any higher high though. ------------ It would only be a "junkie trick" for the most uninformed of all junkies, and because junkies have to be able to manage their own addiction and their own detox many of the times, most junkies become fairly knowledgeable about heroin fairly fast. The reason that many junkies don't shower often is because of the same reason that many alcoholics don't shower often, or many pill addicts don't shower often, etc. The addiction itself is a full time job. When they aren't busy trying to find the money for their addiction, they are busy obtaining the substance, or are busy using it or busy being intoxicated on it, or busy sleeping it off, or busy being sick from not having it. However, lifestyle circumstances stemming from addiction can also lead to not having facilities to shower. Many heroin addicts will sweat profusely when needing another dose, and this can give a person who showers daily a "dirty look". This isn't true. I was a former daily IV heroin user for a year, and I always showered twice daily, simply because I did this prior to using heroin, and didn't see why daily heroin use had to interfere with personal hygiene

Is there a drug in a form of a pill called blue magic?

It is a 30 milligram pain killer called Roxys or the drug term "Blues". This pill has usually the letter M, a215, or a music note on the front. The pill is usually a light blue, dark blue, or white. This pill is highly addicting, and it is a terrible idea to start using.