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Our gathering will be informal.

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Q: Can you use the word informal in a sentence?
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Use the word informal in a sentence?

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Use the word colloquialism in a sentence?

A word used in an informal manner "The precedent said, 'What's up hommie' (to borrow the colloquialism)."

What sentence can you use with informal?

You don't need a fancy dress for an informal occasional.

How do you use the word ZILCH in a sentence?

You just did! Zilch is a slang word for zero, used only with very informal tone.

What is a sentence using the word informative?

The dinner party was an informal affair held by a neighbor.Informal changes can be made to the Constitution by laws and interpretations of laws.

Can you make a sentence with the word thru?

The word 'thru' is an informal spelling of the word 'through'.Example sentence: Read thru Chapter 8

What is the informal word for spectacles?

"Specs" is an informal word for spectacles, although many people don't use the word at all, and use "glasses" instead.

What is a sentence with the word who'll?

(note: who'll is considered an informal use, a contraction of who will)With such a group of athletes, no one can predict who'll come in first.Who'll go to the store for me?

Use the word retentive in a sentence?

A good way to use retentive in a sentence is... "How do you use the word retentive in a sentence?"

How can you use the word ebullient in a sentence?

use it by saying- how can you use the word ebullient in a sentence?

Can you use nerd mood in a sentence?

yes but it depends if you want your writing to be formal or informal.