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Q: Can you use weave to do a coon tail hair style or even a punk hair style?
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Are coon tails producers that make food?

No, they are a style you can dye your hair in, that looks like raccoon tails, hence the shortened 'coon tails' :p

Is Weave Unhealthy for you natural hair?

depending on how you put the hair in and take it out. if done correctly weaves can be a protective style for your natural hair . my hair grows much faster while i have a sew-in weave do to my hair being in braids and im not touching my hair as much

Can a white girl get a weave?

Technically, all races can receive a weave- an extra threading of fake hair, or donated hair by other people. Even men can get one...but I heard it is not pain free to get a weave.

Can you perm you hair with a sewn in weave?

Girl u are crazy. Perming hair wit your weave still in is crazy. U should actually go natural no more perm if you want long healthy hair. Get your hair cornrowed and wear a half wig or protective style your.

Are there a video on how to weave hair?

there are plenty i learned how to do my own weave on youtube! thomasadrianna to be exact she is amazing at what she does and explains everything to you. I even do my friends weave now to get some money on the side.

How do you close a hair weave?

In order to close a hair weave braid your in in a "crown" style. that is a spiral starting front the top of your head all the way around to the bottom. Then start sewing your weave on front bottom up. When you get to the top there should be a small circle with the track exposed. Sew those tracks together tightly to then close up the weave, and there you have it.

Can you weave my hair even though it is long already?

yes length doesn't matter

Does chyna from ant farm have weave in her hair?

the most proper is no she does not were weave that is her real hair

Can you still style emo hair even though you have thick hair?

YEs you can it doesn't matter about the style of your hair

What garments is plain weave made out of?

weave is usually made out of horse hair or human hair ..

What is the best long lasting weave hair?

I think Remy hair is the longest lasting hair!

What is the difference between a hair weave and extensions?

an extention is faux hair that is sewn in. a hair weave is natural hair that is tightly braided. =0)