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Yes, you can use yeast infection cream while using NuvaRing. There's no need to remove the ring for treatment.

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Q: Can you use yeast infection cream while using NuvaRing?
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Can you take a bath while using NuvaRing?

Yes, you can take a bath, swim, hot tub, scuba dive, etc. while using NuvaRing.

Does nuvaring decrease fertility?

NuvaRing lowers the risk of pregnancy while you're using it. It does not affect future fertility.

Can you use Fluocinolone cream for a staph infection on my face and neck?

No; using a medication that lowers your immune response while you have an infection is unwise. See a health care provider for appropriate treatment.

If you start your period while the NuvaRing is in does this mean you have done something wrong?

the same thing just happened to me, and I was really upset but I called organon, they said its perfectly normal, especially if i started using nuvaring recently.

Should you take the morning after pill if you're on NuvaRing?

There should be no need to use Plan B while correctly using Nuva Ring.

When can you breastfeed after removing NuvaRing?

You can breastfeed with or without NuvaRing in. If you are relying on NuvaRing for pregnancy prevention, taking it out to breastfeed is going to increase your risk for pregnancy. If you're breastfeeding while using NuvaRing, removing it for a few hours does nothing to improve your milk supply, but does make it less effective. Please contact your health care provider, pharmacist, or lactation consultant to discuss NuvaRing and breastfeeding, as it seems there has been some misunderstanding. NuvaRing may decrease milk volume, which could be important with a newborn. It does not affect the quality of the milk.

What happens if you get your period while NuvaRing is still in?

If you get your period while NuvaRing is in, continue using the ring as scheduled. You can use tampons or pads for bleeding according to your preference. This unscheduled bleeding is common during the first three months of using the ring. If it lasts longer or has other symptoms, or if it just bother you, talk to your heatlh care provider about other birth control options.

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Is it safe to take aspirin while using Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride Topical cream?

Yes. This is an antihistamine cream, and is safe to use with aspirin.

While using NuvaRing can stress delay your period?

Stress is not likely to affect your period when you're on hormonal birth control, as the medication "takes control" of the hormones that affect your period with stress.

Why is it not safe to have sexual intercourse while using monistat7?

Because you have a fungal infection and you can pass it to your partner.

Will penicillin counter act the effectiveness of the NuvaRing...resulting in a pregnancy?

i have searched many links and there is not any concrete evidence to support that penicillin is safe to take while on the nuvaring. ( you should use a secondary method of control while taking any antibiotics.)