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Nope. The pro controllers they're releasing have special sensors in the neck so it can detect where your hand is. Real Guitars don't have that.

Rock Band 3 hasn't been released yet, and we don't have an official word yet. It may be possible to use your own guitar with a standard guitar-to-USB device. Even if this does work, you won't get the screen feedback showing where your hands are. That's what the special sensors are going to do for you.

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Q: Can you use your own real guitar for rock band 3 not the squire pro guitar controller?
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Assuming you mean Guitar Hero III ...The "guitar" used for the game is a special controller shaped like a guitar. You cannot replace it with an actual guitar. The controller is much simpler to operate than a real guitar is.

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Is this a real question? Answer: Certainly not!

Do you need a guitar to play Guitar Hero?

You can play with just a normal controller, however it enhances the game when you play it with the guitar controller, hence the name "Guitar Hero". Some people just like the strategy of "keeping the beat" without looking cheesy. I think the fake guitar controller is actually kind of dumb to be honest. The xbox controller is actually harder to use in the game, as I hear...

Can garage band teach you guitar?

Not at all. Just like how some people think Rock Band or Guitar Hero can help you with real guitar, it honestly doesn't help at all. I recommend getting guitar lessons or looking up tablature online

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Obviously they do, what else would they play?

Are characters in Guitar Hero real people?

yes because the have the rock band kiss

Can you play real guitar like Guitar Hero?

No. I will explain why. A guitar has 6 x (about) 22 fretting points (6 strings with 22 frets) which gives you 132 things to press separately if you press down only one at a time. On a guitar hero controller you have five buttons which result in about 32 combinations if you press ANY amount of buttons. Thus, as you can see, it is much more complicated to play a real guitar than the guitar hero controller. The only thing guitar hero teaches you is how to maintain a certain rythm and how to keep your head if you fretted the wrong note during a complicated solo. Certainly not how to play a real guitar.