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get them asap they will shift

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Q: Can you wait a month to get retainers after braces or will your teeth shift to the position it was before?
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Do you pay first and the dentist then puts on the braces?

Usually you pay a moderate fee when you begin orthodontic treatment (braces). After the brackets are bonded to your teeth, approximately each month you return for adjustments and pay a small fee for each visit. When you are finished with orthodontic treatment, you pay a final fee to have the braces removed and for retainers (retainers hold your teeth in position so they don't shift).

Do braces hurt while putting them on?

To me the braces doesn't hurt. Before thinking of getting braces think of a person putting super glue on your teeth it doesn't hurt that bad. Then you can choose your color for your braces 1 time every month. But if you put your braces like when you are 17 it hurts more so I recommend you to do your braces as soon as possibleI took out my braces already. =]

What is the lowest payment per month for braces?


What are teeth braces used for?

Braces are a band of metal that raps around your teeth and eventually make them straighter. You go once every month, they tighten them and you pick a new color. Don't worry braces don't hurt that bad, but you need to be careful with them and make sure you brush your teeth after every meal or snack because you could get yellow teeth when they take them off, puffy gums and food stuck in your braces! So when you get braces you just need to make sure you are careful to brush all the time.

how long should I keep my wax on my braces?

2 weeks to a month

When is nat wolff getting his braces off?

July well this month =]

How much do braces cost monthly?

Braces can be very expensive, from $100 to $200+ a month! If you have a Dental Plan that includes orthodontics, you can save 60%.

How long did Niall Horan wears his braces?

He first got his braces on December 20th 2011. So he wore them for about a year. And on Twitter, a few months ago he said that he his getting his braces off in 6 months in the new year ! So he is most likely to be getting his braces off this month.

How much is envisalign braces?

They are usually about the same costs of regular braces, an orthodontist usually will only do Invisalign if your teeth only need minor adjustments though.

Do braces hurt or do braces hurt?

it hurts so bad i cried for 2 hours non stop. run run. --Well, I have braces on right now. I remember that it didn't hurt when my orthodontist was putting my braces on. I'm about to get them off now in a month (I can't wait!), because I had them on since I was a freshman in high school (I'm a junior now), and I keep asking around if it hurts when your braces are off. All my friends who had braces said flat-out no's, and they said that it just feels weird afterwards. No pain. But your mouth feels empty and your teeth feel slippery and you have the urge to run your tongue over your teeth constantly. Hope this advice helps. =]

How many months or days does it have to be before you can change the colors of braces?

Normally you set up an appointment every month or 2. however, if you really want them changed you can set up an earlier appointment with your orthodontist.

A baby's usual position just before birth is?

7 month of pregnancy baby turn their body up side down.Head is turned down and legs are up.This is birth position.