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Sure but without pressure for the first month until the clear dries fully

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Q: Can you wash car after appling a clear coat?
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Why should you wash a car that has been driven on salty roads?

Salt is corrosive, and may eat away at a car's wax, clear coat, paint, or even its body itself.

Do you use hardner in the clear coat?

do you use hardner or reducer in clear coat car paint?

How do you remove car wax from a car with a clear coat?

There are a couple of ways to go about removing wax from your car. 1. Wash the vehicle with a suitable wash such as P21s Total Auto Wash 2. Clay the vehicle with detailers clay* *This has been known not to completely remove tough waxes such as Collinite. 3. Use an AIO (all in one) cleaner Use an automotive safe wax & grease remover. Will remove the wax and not harm the clear or paint.

2008 Chevy cobalt clear coat peeling for a second time in a different side of the car What is wrong with the car and is the paint got garbage in it or what?

take the car to the dealer and demand a new paint job, this is due to lack of a good clear coat during the painting of the car.

What causes swirl marks on clear coat paint?

Wax,poly sealants,glazes, polishes,and compounds. These products are made to cover up problems, not correct them. When these products breakdown by going thru a car wash,or not properly hand washing with a mild soap swirls occur in the clear coat. Also, wiping the vehicle dry with a towel will create them.

Is acetone helpful when washing a car?

No. Acetone will strip the clear coat and eventually the paint

Should you be aware of scratches before spraying clearcoat on a car?

If there are scratches on the surface before you clear coat, the clear will not come out smooth. If you are spraying new clear coat over an old clear coat, the entire surface must be wet sanded with at least a 600 grit wet/dry paper so the surface is rough enough to accept the clear. If you are spraying new clear over an new base coat, the same techinque for prepping the surface will be necessary if the base coat has dried.

Can you use Dawn Soap on a cars?

No it strips the clear coat and will dull the car instead of shine it...

If the paint on the roof of your car is starting to fade what can you do to bring back the color?

If the spots are only thru the clear coat the entire roof should be carefully finesse sanded and then reapply clear coat as directed by manufacture

Can you take your car to a paint shop and just ask for a clear coat?

You can, it depends what you expect in terms of finish quality. You must also consider that there is not much difference in price when it comes to spraying paint and clear coat then clear coat only you still have to sand paint buff the only difference is maybe one or two hours clear coat needs to be removed to apply new clear coat, clear coat also take a great amount of work after drying to achieve oem finish. The answer is yes however having gone that far might as well refresh it unless you just find the clear does not suit your vehicle but that is unlikely.

How do you paint a car with a paint brush?

Use a straight enamel the wet sand it with 600 grit for hour and hours and hours and repeat for coat 2 clear coat can not be painted on with brush unless you a magic paint brush lol clear over clear does not work

Is it bad to wash a car with body soap?

What do you mean by body soap? Soap that is in bar form, or soap that in a bottle like body wash? Bar soap could pick up sand and grit that might scratch the finish. Body wash is a mild abrasive but I have never heard of anybody using it for washing a car but I assume that a slight clouding of the clear coat is possible. If you have access to dish soap (detergent) it is the best improvised automotive soap.