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Q: Can you wear black fishnet stocking in a red cocktail dress?
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Is black fishnet stocking good to wear in red cocktail dress?

no it makes u look like a hooker

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cocktail dress is nice in red or black soild colors

Can you wear black stockings and black mid boots on a white cocktail dress?

Yes, wearing black stockings and black mid boots can create a stylish and edgy look with a white cocktail dress. The contrast of the black accessories against the white dress can add visual interest and make a bold fashion statement.

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How do you say cocktail dress in French?

A cocktail dress is 'une robe de cocktail' in French.

What is cocktail-dress?

A cocktail dress is a short evening dress that is often worn for evening social parties, especially cocktail parties.

What to wear on cocktail party?

A Cocktail Party is a little formal so Girls should wear a cocktail dress ( doesn't have to be black) for Guys a suit and formal clothing

What is Black and White Cocktail Attire?

It means black, white or mixed colour cocktail dress for women, black white or mixed suit for men. It is suit shirt and tie not bow tie.

What color stockings with cocktail dress?

Almost black, slight pattern and not too sheer, but NOT opacqe

What type of clothing should you wear fishnet stockings with?

Fishnet stockings are typically thought of to go along with a sexy cocktail dress, but you can also wear them in place of regular stockings as long as you choose a conservative pair. Look for fishnets with a weave that is close together, or in a neutral color like tan to work them in with your regular skirts and dresses.