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I suppose you could, but it seems a little tasteless to take something out of your vagina and put it on your wrist.

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Q: Can you wear the nuva ring as a bracelet after you are done using it?
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Can getting pregnant while using the Nuva ring cause a miscarriage?

If an accidental pregnancy occurs, the Nuva Ring should not cause a miscarriage.

Is it necessary to pull out when using Nuva Ring?

no its not necessary.

How long will it take you to conceive if you took out your nuva ring almost 2 weeks ago?

For women who had regular periods before using Nuva Ring, ovulation resumes two to four weeks after stopping the Ring. 85% of couples will get pregnant within the year after stopping Nuva Ring.

Can you treat a yeast infection while using a birth control ring?

There are no known drug interactions between vaginal antifungal medications and Nuva Ring, or between fluconazole (Difclucan) and Nuva Ring.

Five years on the nuva ring too long?

There's no need to stop using hormonal contraception, including Nuva Ring, for as long as you don't want to get pregnant. Nuva Ring and other hormonal birth control methods have no effect on future fertility.

Can you still get your period the same times of the month after not using the nuva ring?

When you stop using the Nuva Ring, the timing of your cycle may change. You may or may not keep getting your period at the same time of the month.

The condom fell off inside but I'm using nuva ring too can i be pregnant?

Pregnancy is possible, but Nuva Ring is a highly effective method. Pregnancy is unlikely in the situation you describe.

If you have stopped taking the Nuva Ring for a month and your period is 4 days late you took 2 pregnancy test which came out negative Could your missing period be caused by stopping using the nuva rin?

When you stop Nuva ring, you'll normally have the usual withdrawal bleeding you experienced in prior months of ring use. After that, if you had regular 28 day periods prior to using Nuva Ring, you can expect your next period in 4-6 weeks.

Is it normal to have a period while having the nuva ring inside of you?

Yes, it is. Keep using the Nuva Ring according to the calendar, leaving it in for three weeks and taking it out for seven days, regardless of bleeding.

Is it possible to skip a period immediately after having stop the use of the nuva ring?

After you take out your last Nuva Ring, you'll probably have your usual withdrawal bleeding. After that, your next period will probably come in 4-6 weeks, if you were regular prior to using Nuva Ring. If your periods were irregular before the ring, they'll probably return to their irregular habit after you stop the ring.

Does the Nuva ring cause bacteria if you leave it in the vagina for three weeks and can you wash the Nuva ring daily?

No, Nuva Ring doesn't lead to bacterial vaginosis, and it should not be removed and washed daily. .

What are the ways the nuva ring can fail?

The Nuva Ring birth control device can fail if it is left in too long; if the device comes out of the vagina and is not reinserted within three hours; or if you have unprotected intercourse when just starting using the Nuva Ring and it has not been in place for at least 7 days.