

Can you weave a perm

Updated: 9/7/2023
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13y ago

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Yes, only if they are 100% human hair though, but I don't think the chemicals would be very good for them.

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Q: Can you weave a perm
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Can you perm weave hair?

that makes no sense

Can i put weave in after perm?

If you care about you hair you will wait about a week . I wear weave a lot I know how rough and course your hair can become.. I actually perm my hair a day after I take my weave out then wait a couple days and get another swe In.

What happens when you perm your hair and put a weave in it?

it causes breakage.

How do you revitalize Italian perm weave?

put some olive oil hair lotion

If you have nappy hair and then you get a perm can you put weave in it after a while?

yes, but you wont be able to moisturize your scalp as much

Can you perm you hair with a sewn in weave?

Girl u are crazy. Perming hair wit your weave still in is crazy. U should actually go natural no more perm if you want long healthy hair. Get your hair cornrowed and wear a half wig or protective style your.

How long are you supposed to wait to perm your hair after taking weave glue out?

I would know because I am one and the answer is yes.

Can you perm with damage on the ends?

If the damage is just on the ends get it cut off. If the rest of the hair is okay then you should be able to do it. Do a test first just to be on the safe side. Weave hair out of a section on the back of the head, cut it off and use it to do a test perm, if it turns out okay then you can go ahead.

What is artificially curly hair called?

That would either be a weave or extensions, which is fake hair attached to your own hair, or getting a perm which is putting a chemical in your actual hair to make it curly.

Can you perm your hair with weave glue still in there?

Yes you can, i would not recommend that before you put glue on your hair that you put a protective serum on your hair so that when its time to take the glue out it easily washes off.

Can you perm your hair with weave glue in it?

I wear quick weave which I do myself about every two weeks and I never wear my own hair out. I perm my hair every 6 weeks. What I do is when its time for a perm, I don't wash my hair but I do remove all traces of glue with a thick oily conditioner such is Luster's pink oil and a whole lotta of oil sheen. I saturate my hair with the conditioner and oil sheen and put a cap on it for about and hour. By that time, all the glue will simply melt and get kind of gooey and slide right out. I take a small tooth comb and little but little work that stuff out my hair discarding it carefully because trust me, this can make a big mess, but its worth it. My hair soaks up any moisture so after about an hour all the glue is gone, very little in hair left and I can perm my hair with no problems, no burning and no breakage. I've been doing my hair like this for 3 years now and my hair under this weave grows like crazy. I sometimes wear my real hair to show people that yes I do have hair, but to me, the quick weave is actually much easier to handle and more versatile. Anyway, hope this helped.

What is the difference between a spiral perm and a loose perm?

spiral perm is rolled vertical and reg perm is rolled horizontal, I think.