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yes, but you wont be able to moisturize your scalp as much

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Q: If you have nappy hair and then you get a perm can you put weave in it after a while?
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How do you turn nappy hair into wavy hair?

You don't. Nappy hair is just nappy unless you get a perm.

How do you get rid of nappy hair?

i use perm to straighten out my hair so it wont be nappy for a couple of months

Can you perm weave hair?

that makes no sense

Can i put weave in after perm?

If you care about you hair you will wait about a week . I wear weave a lot I know how rough and course your hair can become.. I actually perm my hair a day after I take my weave out then wait a couple days and get another swe In.

What happens when you perm your hair and put a weave in it?

it causes breakage.

Can you perm you hair with a sewn in weave?

Girl u are crazy. Perming hair wit your weave still in is crazy. U should actually go natural no more perm if you want long healthy hair. Get your hair cornrowed and wear a half wig or protective style your.

How do you revitalize Italian perm weave?

put some olive oil hair lotion

Can somebody who have straight hair get nappy hair If so how?

Get a perm. Depending on the beauty shop it will cost 75.00- 150.00 to get one. If you have long hair it will require a haircut to get the curly nappy look. I wore my hair like that in the 70's and needed a perm about 6-9 months to keep it up. To keep it looking good you will need a haircut about every 6 weeks.

How long are you supposed to wait to perm your hair after taking weave glue out?

I would know because I am one and the answer is yes.

Can you weave a perm?

Yes, only if they are 100% human hair though, but I don't think the chemicals would be very good for them.

What is artificially curly hair called?

That would either be a weave or extensions, which is fake hair attached to your own hair, or getting a perm which is putting a chemical in your actual hair to make it curly.

Can you bleach your hair after you relax or perm it?

NO, Your hair is already being damaged by the perm or relaxer. I would wait a while before applying bleach to it. It will kill your hair and will cause hair loss, frizz and damaged hair.