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Presumably you mean in Roman numerals.

Yes you can write out the some of the same numerals four times just look at clock face with Roman numerals on it 4 is represented by the numerals IIII. But there is no need to write out the same numerals five times because there are numerals to represent five times a numeral.


IIII can be simplified to IV (5-1 = 4)

XXXX can be simplified to XL (50-10 = 40)

CCCC can be simplified to CD (500-100 = 400)


IIIII is V (5)

XXXXX is L (50)

CCCCC is D (500)

But there is no need to write out the numerals V, L and D more than once because VV = X, LL = C and DD = M

Roman numerals: M=1000, D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5 and I=1

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Q: Can you write a letter four times in roman?
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