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Yes. It's called heat rash.

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Q: Can your body overheats and cause hives and redness to the skin?
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Can lice cause rashes on body?

the scientific research company has done further research on head lice. They have discovered that the lice can bite other parts of the body of not treated quickly. The bite can cause an effect from just discolouring (redness), to hives, depending on how sensitive your skin is.

How do you catch hives?

You do not catch hives. You can get hives by being exposed to something you are allergic to. Hives is an allergic reaction. You can get them by eating foods or having something touch your skin that your body reacts to like a "foreign body" reaction.

What causes redness in an inflammatory response?

An area of infection go red and feel hot because the white blood cells gather in the area of infection and the battle commences. And more blood is directed to the area to allow more white blood cells to get to the microbes.

What would cause hives all over my body and vomiting?

See a doctor it may be serious you may be sick but that is kind of obvious and you may be allergic to something!!

Can Dizziness make you tired?

Yes, Allergies can cause one to feel dizzy, light headed and drained. Your body may also react to an allergy with a headache, rash, hives, swelling and vomiting.

Wheezing and hives are symptoms of?

When you have an allergic reaction to a substance, your body releases histamines and other chemicals into the blood. This causes itching, swelling, and other symptoms. Hives are a common reaction. Persons with other allergies, such as hay fever, often get hives.

What types of things can trigger hives?

In addition, hives may also result from the body's response to certain physical conditions, such as emotional stress , rubbing, cold wind,

What do hives look like and how can you tell if you have them?

They look like a million tiny little red mosquito bites all over your body (in bad cases) or in small patches on different parts of body.Hives are caused by an allergic reaction to something. They itch a lot and if you think back about anything new you ate (something you never ate before) you may have had a food allergy. Otherwise if you touched or rubbed against a certain kind of plant, you could of had an allergic reaction to that.Take some oral Benedryl; if the bumps and redness don't go away, then they're not hives.Hives itch less than insect bites. However, Benedryl only temporarily relieves the hives.Hives can also last varying amounts of time depending on how fast you can find the object/objects that you are allergic to. I haven't found out what I'm allergic to, and I have had hives for a year.If you can't figure out why you have hives, you need to see your doctor for an allergy test.hives is a type of alergic reaction you get. hives are red bubble spot thingys that make you ich badly.if you have the hives i recomend a baking soda bath.(at least that's what a book ses to do if you have hives) {and no,hives are totally disfrent from the chikin poks}allergic skin reaction causing localized redness, swelling, and

How does extreme heat affect your health?

Extreme heat can cause heatstroke (the body overheats, that would be over 107 degrees F) or dehydration if enough fluids are not taken, or sunstroke if the heat is accompanied by sunlight. All are deadly.

How do bees warm up their hives in the winter?

By clustering together and creating body heat.

Will doxycyline cause genital ulcers?

There have been a limited number of cases where people developed what appeared to be hives in the genital region and other parts of the body while taking Doxycyline. Your doctor can help you figure out the cause of the problems. There are other possibilities, including STDs.

Can THC in marijuania cause hives?

Unlikely specifically for THC. However, pesticides uses, scent-masking chemicals and aromas, etc. CAN DEFINITELY cause hives...from 1st hand experience. Marijuana is a Weed (hence the name) and some people ARE allergic to it like any other plant. Benedryl can help, but with both of them in your system, you're Definitely gonna need a nap! Some hives can come from irritation, not allergy. Some chemicals (see above- pesticides, et al.) can lower your body's pH balance and this can cause hives among other things. Try drinking a teaspoon or 2 of baking soda in a glass of water twice a hives were due to my pH going too acidic. a few days of avoiding acidic foods and drinks along with the baking soda corrected the issue