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Q: Can your brain become dependent on alcohol?
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Why do some people engage in alcoholism?

Some of us have "addictive personalities." Basically, it means we tend to become dependent on something that -- at least in excess -- is harmful to us. Alcohol releases inhibitions and dulls our perceptions. Some people need this. After a while, the chemistry of the brain changes and they become alcohol dependent; that is, if they don't have alcohol they become physically ill -- addicted. Alcoholics don't "engage" in alcoholism -- they are helplessly dependent on booze.

Effects of alcohol on the brain?

The actions of the brain become slower as BAC rises.

The effects of alcohol on the brain?

The actions of the brain become slower as BAC rises.

What is the percent of people who drink beer the age 14 become beer dependent?

The average of onset of drinking around the world is 12 and few of those become alcohol dependent.

Can you get diabetes from drinking alcohol?

Yes, you can. If the affinity exists to become an alcoholic, then drinking will make you more and more dependent on alcohol.

How long does it take for a teen to become alcohol dependent?

The time it takes for a teen to become alcohol dependent can vary greatly among individuals. Factors such as genetics, family history of alcoholism, social environment, and mental health can all play a role in the development of alcohol dependence. Generally, excessive and regular alcohol consumption during the teenage years can increase the risk of developing alcohol dependence over time.

How does alcohol affect peoples behavior?

Alcohol temporarily paralyzes a certain part of your brain. after long term alcohol use paralization may become permanent.

Does beer have anything that makes you addicted to it?

Alcohol is a dependency forming substance. In moderation, you won't become dependent. In excess, you will.

Does alcohol kill brain neutrons?

Alcohol does not kill brain cells.

It is possible to become emotionally dependent upon?

All of the above. [The caffein found in coffee, tea, or colas; heroin; nicotine; alcohol].

As the body tissues consume alcohol what happens?

The body cells become dependent on the alcohol, which is why too much alcohol consumption is considered an addiction. Cirrosis, or liver scarring, can occur in the liver tissues. This can result in liver failure and death.

Why does most of the alcohol go to the brain?

Only a small proportion of alcohol goes to the brain.