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A car must enter the intersection to make a turn. Restrictions on when you may enter any given intersection are given by the road signs and road markings.

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Q: Can your car enter an intersection to make a turn?
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An intersection with no traffic signs or signals which car must yield the right of way?

A vehicle is already in the intersection.You enter or cross a state highway from a secondary road.You enter a paved road from an unpaved road.You plan to make a left turn and a vehicle is approaching from the opposite direction. When two cars enter an open intersection at the same time, the driver on the left must yield to the driver on the right.

Car a nears intersection with right turn signal on car b is stopped and to the right at the intersection a begins to slide unable to make turn but is going straight car b pulls out car a hits b fault?

No one will answer so I is car b that is at fault..there 4 zillion people on here and no one will answer my question. this site is stupid.

Who is at fault if you entered an uncontrolled intersection first and was hit by a car on the left side?

you enter the intersection first... that's the reason why you got hit because you knew the the intersection was not under control

Who is at fault when a car is already in an intersection and another car darts out in front of you to make a left turn and you hit them?

What ever car was turning is at fault unless they had a green arrow. you have the right away when it comes to 4 way stops with the turn lights.. if the turn light isn't on then they have to wait for you.

When 2 cars enter an intersection which vehicle has the right of way?

the car on the left has the right of way.

Who is at fault if Car 1 is turning left in an intersection with a green light sees oncoming traffic stopping due to light change then gets t-boned by car 2 who was going too fast to stop?

All cars are at fault. Car 1 should have continued to make turn if he is in the intersection once the vehicles have stopped due to red light. The other car should have slowed down or stop to allow Car 1 to make turn completely then continue.

At an intersection where there is a two way stop who would be at fault in an accident if the car that was required to stop and a car crossing that is not required to stop collide in the intersection?

It would be the car that was required to stop. That car should make sure it is clear before going through the intersection.

Your car should be positioned next to the center line before?

making a right turn in a two way street

If you are at an intersection with a stop sign and you have to stop and there is a car in the other side of the road wanting to turn left and you want to go strait. you were first. MI?

If you were at the intersection first, you have right of way.

Can i get a ticket if i enter an intersection on yellow and then the light turns red?

its legal because you already passed itAnother View: It depends on the situation. If your car was in the interesection, stopped, awaiting a break in oncoming traffic in order to turn left, and the light turned red, you must clear the intersection, so you would be doing so lawfully.HOWEVER - if you were simply driving straight through the intersection and entered the interesection against an amber light which then truned red when you were in the intersection, you can be charged.

If two cars coming from opposite directions enter an intersection with no traffic signs or signals one intends to turn left the other is going straight ahead the driver of the turning car should?

The driver of the turning car should YEILD as the car driving straight has the right of way. In Canada anyway.In the UK also

If a car A going straight gets hit by a car B making a left hand turn at an intersection and car A leaves the scene what are the penalties for either driver?

In Arizona, the driver of car B will be cited for Left Turn Not in Safety, as any car making a left turn has to yield to any other vehicle in an intersection. The driver of car A will be arrested, when located, for Leaving the Scene of an Accident. The punishment for this depends on whether the accident is a property damage or personal injury accident, and if someone is killed, then it is a Felony.