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No, once you have dialated your cervix will not close.

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Q: Can your cervix close after dilation if contractions stop for weeks?
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Related questions

What are fake contractions called?

There are no "fake contractions," except when women pretend to be in labor. There is false labor, which is contractions (usually mild and irregular) which do not change the cervix. (Labor is defined as progressive change--dilation and effacement--of the cervix.) Braxton Hicks contractions are real contractions, but very irregular. They can occur any time after 32 weeks of pregnancy, and are usually no more than 2 to 3 an hour.

What if you have 2.9 cm cervical length in 21 weeks of gestation?

Your cervix is slightly thinner than it should be at 21 weeks - if you are having no symptoms this could be normal for you - if you are having contractions or bleeding your doctor may want to put a small thread in your cervix to prevent dilation or he may keep you on bed rest to see if the situation improves. Discuss this with your OB or Midwife.

You are pregnant-5 weeks your cervix is still open?

You can't see your cervix. I'm not sure why you would think it's open. Have you put your finger in your vagina to feel it? If you do that, it should feel soft like your lips if you're pregnant. If you aren't pregnant it should feel hard like the tip of your nose.

Does either braxton hicks or real contractions cause you to dialate or are they not related?

Sometimes they can lead to some cervical change (including dilation, softening of the cervix, etc.). This is why it's important to call your care provider if you are having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions before you reach "full term" (or 37 weeks). On the other hand, even if your Braxton Hicks contractions are dilating your cervix, they might still be helping to rotate your baby into an optimal position for labor or even toning your uterus in preparation for labor. So even the contractions that aren't "real labor" are still doing something!

Pink Gooey discharge 40 weeks pregnant?

Maybe a "show" where you are losing the mucus plug that has been in your cervix until this point. If you are also having contractions, labour is on its way. If you are not having contractions, labour may still be a few days (or weeks, but at 40 weeks probably not) away.

Is it normal to have abdominal pains at thirty five weeks?

There is such a thing as "Braxton Hicks" contractions. These benign contractions sometimes happen before labor. Also, my baby would push down on my cervix, this would send shooting pains through my body, it really hurt! This helps to prepare your cervix for dialation.

39 weeks an 3cm dialated what can i do to help dialation?

As uninviting as it may sound have sex, the semen contains prostaglandin hormone which with a ripe cervix will stimulate your contractions to start. Move around as much as you feel comfortable with - the pressure of your baby on your cervix will stimulate contractions which in turn will eventually open the cervix more. Don't despair! Your contractions are probably effacing your cervix, which mean it is being thinned out and pulled upwards. This is an important part of the work your body needs to do to have your baby. Sometimes, you can move unexpectedly quickly through the stages and dilation - I can't guarantee that though! So, if you don't feel up to walking or similar, choose positions that are more upright. And not being anxious about progress will actually help things move along.

How long after a miscarriage will your cervix close?

Recovery from a miscarriage is the same cervical recovery time as giving birth. It takes about four to six weeks for significant healing. The cervix starts to close immediately after the process.

Is it common for a shortend cervix to get longer?

Not sure if it is common or not but I was diagnosed with a shortened cervix at 16 weeks. My cervix had fallen to 2.8. I was placed on bedrest for one week. At 17 weeks, it measured 2.3. At 18 weeks, my cervix grew to 3.4. So I do know that it is possible. Good luck.

37 weeks and 4 days dilated to 1 and thinning cervix and also lost mucus plug could labor be near?

This doesn't nessecarily mean you will go into labor by the week is out, but it is near. Labor could be a few hours, days or even weeks away. Just be sure to start counting your contractions, and if contractions become more severe, and more regular, call your practitioner.

How long does it take a cervix to close after it has dilated from a miscarriage?

In general 3-4 weeks during which you should not have sex due to the higher risk for infections.

What is a Dilation and Curettage test?

It is a surgical method to clean out a uterus after a miscarriage, to perform an abortion past 9 weeks or to remove tumors. The cervix is dilated and the tool used to scrape the uterus wall is called a Curette.