

Can your ex claim your son on his taxes if he no longer lives with him?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Yes if it is agreed upon in the divorce dcree.

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Q: Can your ex claim your son on his taxes if he no longer lives with him?
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No you can not claim a child who is married

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No, Allas.

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What if your son lives with you and his dad wants to claim him on income taxes but you want to also is this possible if we don't live together?

Only one person can claim a person. Once a person is claimed as a dependent, no one lese can claim him. Does your divorce agreement state who is allowed to claim your son for income tax purposes? If not, the custodial parent has a higher right to claim the child than the non-custodial parent. him paying child support does not grant him any rights to claim your son either.

Can your 18 year old son file taxes if you claim him on your taxes?

Unless the 18-year-old is a dependant because of disability or other factors, generally they are considered an adult and must file their own taxes, and you cannot claim them.

Can I claim my son on my taxes if Im a minor?

Yes if he is your dependent. Age doesn't matter you are the parent.

Your son is 18 can you still claim him?

Can you claim him on your taxes? If you live in the US, yes, you can, if he's a full-time student and would be considered your dependant.

Can you file your 2011 taxes to 2013 filing?

My son didn't file taxes last year 2011. is he still able to claim any of his 2011 taxes along with his 2012 taxes in 2013?

Can you claim your son on your taxes if you didn't work this year?

Yes... for the earned income credit and such. It makes no difference for your income taxes really, as your not paying any.

Can I claim my son that was born in February of 2016 for my taxes?

If you mean February 2015 you can claim your son, but you can't claim a child before he or she is born. Under the law a unborn child is not a tax deduction.

Can your mother claim your son on her taxes if you owe back child support?

To claim a child as a dependent on your taxes, the child must have lived with you and you must have provided support for over 50% of the year. So the mother in this case can claim her grandson on her taxes if she supported the child for at least 183 days out of the year, regardless of whether or not the mother of the child owes back child support.

I have a 15 year old son that I have custody of and I am suppost to claim every year. My x-husband claimed him on his taxes!He has custody of our daughter and he claims here every year. What can I do or suppost to do about this?

What you need to do from now on is if you believe you are entitled to claim your 15 year old son, then on your next tax return you claim him, then instead of e-filing your return, you US mail your return in to the IRS. It will take longer to get your money, but by mailing it in you can challenge your x-husband in IRS court.