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no it can not!

In their natural habitat hamsters eat a range of grasses, wind-blown seeds and grain. Hamsters are often mistaken as herbivores, but they are omnivores and do need protein in their diet to keep them healthy. Left alone in the wild, they will find grubs and insects to supplement their diet. The bulk of their diet is cereals and other hard foods which are chewed and digested slowly. This slow eating would make them easy targets in the wild, so they would normally bring their food back to their burrow to eat it in the safety of their own home. This also allows them to hoard spare food, in case it becomes difficult to find at a later date.

They have continuously-growing teeth which is why they need to gnaw hard material which helps wear down their teeth.

Hamsters need feeding every day. As they are nocturnal an evening feed is better for them. They will normally wake at feeding time and will be happy to play with you once they have been fed. A good quality, heavy, earthenware food bowl is essential to keep the food dry and clean. Plastic should be avoided as hamsters will chew it. Their bowls must be cleaned after every use. Do not give foods that contain whole oats as these can puncture hamsters' delicate cheek pouches.

Too much green food will cause diarrhoea as a hamster's natural habitat is in dry deserts. If you feed your hamster human food, remember to avoid foods that are high in calories, sugary or contain too much fat. To help keep your hamster's teeth healthy, you need to provide lots of hay and perhaps a gnawing block and safe twigs to chew. Some natural treats you can provide your hamster in small amounts are parsley, carrot, apple, celery, broccoli, sprouts, cauliflower, kale, spinach, peas, swede, tomatoes, banana and cucumber.

Never give sticky foods, such as boiled sweets, as they will stick to their pouches.

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Q: Can your hamster eat cheese puffs or any kind of junk food?
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Well, most of the time, junk food is not healthy. But I can name a few that will satisfy your need for sugar and fat. Smartpop smartfood popcorn, Apple chips, Baked potato chips, Low fat cheese puffs, pop chips and low calorie pretzels. Even these are to be enjoyed in moderation, as is appropriate for all foods. Junk food isn't really good for you, but it depends what things is added to it....... but always check the back of the packet and decide if it's healthy or not.... just try not to eat too much a day Also, junk food can stuff up your arteries because it is full of fat. I personally think that junk food is not meant to be eaten by humans. So therefore it is pretty bad for you.

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oil,ghee,sweets,cheese and all sorts of junk foods

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i wouldn't give it chocolate or any junk food.....they could get sick and kick the bucket.... Never give your pet raw kidney beans, onions, raw potato, rhubarb, chocolate, candy or junk food............

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Cause its not a junk food proper food is a proper food and junk food is a junk food:P

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