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The HO co has the right to cancel your policy or non-renew if you fail to take care of your home so yes. Replace your roof. A canceled policy makes it very difficult for you to get insurance in the future.

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Q: Can your homeowners insurance be cancelled due to old shingles?
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Can you get insurance when your homeowners policy was cancelled due to non-payment?

I believe you can, your premium my just be a little higher. that's what happened to me anyway. Hope this helps a bit.

Does homeowners insurance cover a broken grill due to storm damage?

no it has nothing to do with your grill cause its homeowners insurance.

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Would the homeowners insurance cover medical bills due to an assault?

No. Homeowners Insurance typically do not provide liability coverage for criminal acts. Your medical insurance is a good source of coverage for health care needs.

Can your home owners insurance rates go up due to a claim of a natural disaster?

Generally homeowners policies are not increased due to claims. Perhaps a company may have a discount for being claim free that might make it go up after a claim because you loose the discount. One thing to remember is that a homeowners policy is made for big claims and not little claims. Claims history is judged by frequency as well as claim amounts. The easiest way to get cancelled is to start making small claims. I recommend keeping a $1000 deductible or higher and only use it for large losses. Homeowners Insurance is a loosing business for the last few years and the worst thing you can do is to get cancelled because it is getting harder and harder to find good homeowners insurance at a good rate.

Does homeowners insurance cover galvanized pipe?

Sure, as long as the damage was from a covered cause. The key to homeowners insurance is that the damage is due to a covered cause. If you a re searching to see if your insurance will pay for replacing the pipe because of lack of maintenance, no it will not. Maintenance is not covered on a homeowners policy.

Does homeowners insurance cover bodily injury if ex husband comes on property and shoots boyfriend?

No, That's what your boyfriends major medical insurance policy is for. Your homeowners insurance nor you are liable for injury due to criminal acts.

Does homeowner's insurance cover loss of a well due to nearby blasting?

No, Homeowners insurance does not warranty the production of a well on the property.

How affordable is gmac insurance?

GMAC Insurance offers affordable homeowners insurance. They have a good rating and look like they have lots of satisfied customers. However, this depends on the homeowners situation - some may experience unaffordable insurance due to their high risk.

Is there a difference between lapsed and cancelled auto insurance?

Cancellation Termination of an insurance contract before its expiration date, by either the insurance company or the policyholder. Lapsed Insurance Policy When a policyholder fails to pay the due premiums, his or her insurance will get cancelled. These are referred to as a lapsed insurance policies.