

Can your horse be allergic to bee stings?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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Yes, and if you notice the horse having an allergic reaction, call the vet.

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Q: Can your horse be allergic to bee stings?
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Are horse allgeric to bee stings?

Horses can be allergic to bee stings and well as other bug bites. I have a horse that's allergic to fly bites and she looks like she has tumors cause they get so big!

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Unless a person is allergic to bee stings and goes into anaphylactic shock, a bee sting won't kill them. Note that multiple bee stings can increase the risk of an allergic reaction though.

Can bomble bee stings really kill people?

If the people are allergic to bee venom

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no because benidril is when you are allergic to something and use it not to be allergic to what are you allergic to

Could a bee sting make you die?

If you are allergic to bee stings, it most certainly could kill you.

What is the name of the hypersensitivity reaction that occurs after a person who is allergic to bee stings is stung by a bee?

Anaphylactic shock

Can bee stings give you hallucinations?

Bee stings can give those allergic hallucinations. Virtually any reaction is possible to a bug bite, but hallucinations are not common.

Can blue mud dauber wasps kill you?

Not unless you are allergic to bee stings.

Can you make yourself allergic to bees?

Bee sting allergies occur in people who have an abnormally high sensitivity to bee stings, which cause a physical reaction. Allergic reactions to bee stings can be life threatening.Anyone can suffer allergic reactions to bee stings. Although more people die from severe allergic reactions to bee stings each year than from snake bites, only a small number of people with bee sting allergies suffer these types of fatal reactions. Also, There are many ways you can help prevent bee stings. Don't use flowery colognes, soaps, or lotions, or wear brightly colored clothing, which attract bees. If a bee is near you, move away. Do not swat at the bee, which may aggravate it. Make sure any bee or wasp nests around your home are removed and destroyed.

How do you know what kind of bee stung you?

Look fast and reference quickly -especially if you are known to be allergic to bee stings.

How dangerous is the cow killer ant?

Actually, yes and no. Cow killers are actually wingless wasps, so if you are allergic to bee stings, it could be lethal. If your not, it will just hurt like hell for an hour.