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If I understand you correctly, you're asking if two people can conceive with O+ (or O positive type) blood. If you're asking that, yes, two people with O+ type blood can conceieve. The only issues that I know about with blood types is when there are different blood types, like A neg and B pos. If you have A neg, but your baby inherits the B pos, your anti-bodies will start attacking the baby's blood because it is foreign. If you had O+ and your baby has O+, I don't believe there are any complications. Hope this helps.

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Q: Can your husband and you who are both O plus conceive?
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Is it true that women with blood group O plus cannot conceive a baby?

No, this is not true

What is the baby blood group if husband is A- and wife O plus?

A-and O-

Can a O plus mother and A plus father has a O plus child?

Yes. I am O positive and my husband is A positive. We have two A positive children and one O positive child.

What if the husband in has Type a plus blood and the wife has O plus Blood what would the children have?

What if the husband has type A+ blood abd the wife has O+ Blood what would the children have

Can parents that are both O plus plus have a child O?

No if both parents are o+ they must produce o+ offspring

Can a couple who are both o- have a baby who is o plus?

No. The baby will be O-

What is the blood type can a baby have if both parents have type O plus blood?

O plus.

If your husband and you have a positive why your baby is o positive?

f a husband and wife are are A positive and baby is O then it clearly depicts that both husband and wife are heterozygous and both have genotype "Ii and Ii" and as both have alleles "i" and when two "i alleles" combine they always result in blood group o having genotype iirida

Am o plus what blood type of O your husband should be?

It does not matter what your blood type is or what your husband's blood type is. It's more important for blood types for transfusion.

O negative plus o negative equals what bloodtype?

If both parents are O- then the child will be O-.

How could a child have A blood type when parents are both o plus?

If both parents are O ,,,,,,,,,,,, all kids will be O ,, no possibility for A

Can o plus girl with same o plus boy have baby or do not have?

They can have a baby that can be type A, B and O. There is no problem with jaundice cause both parents are O positive.