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If your parents are the owners they can sell the property.

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3d ago

No, the property cannot be sold without the consent of both parents on the survivorship deed. The survivorship deed means that the property automatically passes to the surviving parent upon the other's death, but both parents must agree to any sale during their lifetimes.

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Q: Can your parent's home be sold if they have a survivorship deed and both are still living?
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What is a 6E survivorship exempt?

A 6E survivorship exemption refers to a tax provision that allows the transfer of property between a husband and wife without incurring gift or estate tax. This provision applies only if both spouses are U.S. citizens. It essentially allows married couples to transfer assets to each other without tax consequences.

I am 19 years old and my parents are very strict they give me a curfue of 11 and treat me as if I were still 12 I can't handle it anymore How do i go about gaining independence?

Having a calm and respectful conversation with your parents about your desire for more independence is a good first step. Express your feelings and try to come to a compromise that works for both parties. Show your maturity by being responsible and proving that you can handle more freedom. Building trust is key to gaining more independence over time.

If your dad is 56 and mom is 50 is it possible to be taller then them both?

Yes, it is possible to be taller than both parents even if one parent is taller than the other. Height is determined by a combination of genetics and environmental factors, so it is possible for a child to surpass the height of their parents.

What are the cimorellis parents name and age?

The Cimorelli parents' names are Mike and Lynne Cimorelli. Their ages are not publicly available.

What is the gender of an orphan?

The gender of an orphan can be either male or female. It refers to a child who has lost one or both parents and does not have caregivers to provide for their needs.