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Much of what most people consider "taste" actually is smell. Most fruit really tastes pretty similar... if you plug up your nose so you can't smell it, the difference between two fruits of similar acidity and sweetness is mainly in the texture. So, in that sense, yes.

There is no direct causal relationship on a physical level because taste and smell are mediated by different types of receptors detecting different types of chemical compounds. Smell is carried from olfactory receptors in the nose to the brain via the Olfactory Nerve (cranial nerve I). Taste is carried from gustatory receptors on the tongue to the brain via the Facial Nerve and the Glossopharyngeal Nerve (cranial nerves VII and IX). However, these signals are integrated extensively in the cerebrum and many connections are made.

Therefore, it is plausible that the mere smell of a certain type of food can elicit the memory of the taste of that particular food.

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Q: Can your sense of smell alter your sense of taste?
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The 2 are connected but the sense of smell is stronger.

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the sense of smell is more developed than taste because most of the nuance in taste actually comes from smell. you can only taste three things salt, bitter, and sweet. the rest is your sense of smell which provides a much greater variety.

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The sense of taste. When you are attracted to the nice smell of food, you can sometimes taste it in your mouth as if you were eating it!x

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The sense of smell and taste are closely intertwined. When nasal congestion occurs during a cold, the taste you have can be affected to where you can only have the base tastes of salty, sweet, bitter, or sour.

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Think about when you get a stuffy nose. When you lose your sense of smell it impairs your sense of taste.

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When you lose your sense of smell you begin to lose taste too. This happens because a large portion of your taste comes from smell.

The nose knows smell but how about taste?

If you lose your sense of smell your sense of taste generally goes with it, since the two senses are closely linked.

If you have asthma does it affect how you taste and smell food?

Having Asthma doesn't affect your sense of smell and taste